Class Tuning in Progress -- 13 January

Venthyr warrior isn’t even that good in arena, it’s just good against hunters with the death sentence talent but really, it’s awful compared to Kyrian most of the time.

Bicmex is doing fine with survival.
Don’t watched his stream since Christmas but the last news i saw in his stream is that he was going good.

Survival and MM hunter is quite equal in PvP ( in my perspective, i don’t play survival, but i watch Bicmex stream)

Is there a Dislike button I can press? Can we somehow downvote this into oblivion? “The Community has decided that this post is worth skipping” and “Are you sure you want to expose that bad content and spend time reading it” type of warnings?

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They should just finally stop with the nerfs and buff under performers instead

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No BM hunter buff? I don’t wanna play MM. Get it done or i’ll see you in the next expansion.


“class tuning” lmao


Yeah, was thinking the same. Also, it doesn’t solve the issue of how much time and runes we need to funnel into maintaining boneshield. Buff Marrowrend to give 4 stacks and increase the duration to 1 minute. In Spires of Ascension for example I lose Boneshield all the time because of the flying between platforms, and have to start from scratch.

People dying in 1-3 seconds is okay. More buffs are needed. To the underperfoming specs who spend 2-4 seconds of killing someone.


They remove Energetic Recovery in Legion.

Recuperate also has nothing to do with energy regeneration :thinking:

It used to give you energy when it ticked.

thats a joke. Frost is still just semi-viable in PVP only, he is still terrible in pve


IMO S&D belongs ONLY in outlaw.

Not a big fan of the ability anyway, it’s not as fun to cast as roll the bones.

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When unholy was nr.1 pve dmg nerf -20%mastery.When monk is nr.1 buff+2%dmg…


I would ask you to please consider a further buff for Havoc Demon hunter single target dps. At the time of writing we are really struggling to be viable in raids due to the very low single target damage currently available to us. The earlier 5% buff was appreciated but as logs show since then it is not nearly enough to make us viable.

While there were other classes that have specs lower than us, with the exception of warrior we were bottom of the pack by some considerable margin. The specs below us have other options in their class, usually very viable ones.

Currently I have to do 95th-99th percentile logs to be able to be mid table in our raids (this basically means having 2x power infusion per fight), it is very disheartening and is starting to make me really demotivated. It feels bad to only be in the raid to give 5% magic debuff and have no other value.


Oh , but thank you!! :slight_smile:

Recuperate was the healing over time finisher.

Energetic recovery was 8 energy every 2 seconds if you had SnD up. Iirc from MoP to WoD.

I spoke of the later one.

It used to give energy back in cataclysm as well as healing you.

when will you fix Boomkins two shoting people with 12k Starsurges?

blame your teammates

Buff outlaw rogue wtf is wrong with you guys