Class Tuning in Progress -- 20 April

Totally agree with you. My bm alt did 2k last season easily.

Tier bonus feels very disheartening as bm though. The 2pc seems quite decent but the 4pc seems to be just a qol improvement.

I’d prefer a 4pc bonus that gave extra bag slots instead.

if that was my goal, i would be done after second week of s3.

I mean why is it right to waste my time, or underdogs specs time but not meta specs?

I would be totally fine if each class and spec came with a warning for each season,

warning This spec will not be playable over this lvl, if you want to actually play the game pick another class and spec*…

As it is now, where no one knows whats good or bad or whats gonna get buffed or nerfed. i feel like playing any class is big RNGfest. there is only 2 classes i can think of that is always doing good, Mage and rogue…

Anyways, i think im done for this season, bm sucks, no invites any place kinda. my own keys rolls the same dungeons i already got, im not that sick that i will keep on going.

have a good rest of season over and out.


Have you tried a community for m+ ? I know a lot of people think like me and would rather bring the player than whatever spec they are.

This doesnt exactly work once u are above certain level .

Ive tried comunities few times ( on horde , in previous seasons) and while it was somehow fine on begining, it wasnt anything extra. Ive got people there i could get anywhere else .

And after certain point , like 2.5k last season , there was pretty much noone in comunity run those keys and it was only to me bein spamed by them for carry .

Tldr ; comunity works for ksm, if u push higher u need group/friends or guild . Or sufer in pugs.

Stop balancing the game around MDI, and start balancing around the general player base. It’s becoming hilarious at this that Blizzard is attempting to balance the game around the top 1% of the game. So you’re telling me you’re shunning 99% of your subscribers?

Collectively put your brains together and muster the single brain cell to understand how stupid this is. Cheers


indeed thats a rough nerf

So you said that you investigated it further. On what data did you base your opinion? xD

My point is: you lowering the engagement of literally 95% of warlocks in “favour” (well, certainly not, but you got my point) of 5% that pull of those huge numbers when they have stuff like NF priest playing for them. It makes absolutely no sense to me but help yourself and make me play less of your game if on Wednesday my spec turns out to be rip. lol

As a side note, it came to my mind… why is it an end of expansion time, and in bfa/legion we had those crazy numbers, crazy playstyles and so on so forth, people had fun, but this time around you are not making everyone happy and those who are, are not allowed to have it for too long? XD
What does the nerfs even accomplish? There’s about 59600 destro warlocks that you can track in raider io. I bet that by now 2/3 of them have 4 piece. Which is 39336 players. Out of them about 1000 people have made it into upper rankings and I bet that at best only 50 people are absolute beasts at what they doing… and how many of them will play in mdi, 10? 20? Yeah. Gotcha blizzard. :hugs:


Please rollback warrior tier set nerf!


The game isn’t balanced around MDI.

Nerf to warlocks are not enough to be honest, they are too far ahead at this time (don’t forget other spec as well). And also please have a glance at triple chaos bolt in pvp, paired with cc immun trinket with no cool down makes wow feel Abit rigged.

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Yeah 2.5k or higher a group of friends is the best option.

I was just mentioning the obvious just in case you hadn’t considered them.

It does appear that way though.

There was a vaguely similar situation a few years back for unholy and huge MDI pulls.

Wow isn’t rigged to favour one spec or another, it’s just a combination of things like Devs not playing their own game, a lack of internal testing resources and flat out not really giving a sh1t about player experience.

Remember this is the same company that did nothing when their CEO left a death threat on an employee’s answer phone, and refused to even negotiate basic work life balance improvement for those Devs.

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There is an easy way to buff BM hunters’ Aoe in a controlled way, without affecting pvp and in a stable manner that does not rely on borrowed power, thus being an investment for the future.
Work on that 12.6% multiplier that determines the multi-shot damage. Increase it gradually, starting with 40%.

The 2pc and 4pc buff single target so we can only assume bliz think bm aoe is fine…

That’s why when people were playing triple Outlaw nightelf rogues they nerfed them.

i dont play lock but the feeling of having ur class nerfed like over a month into a tier is a bit of a let down.

for pve content u should be able to just leave it as it is, let ppl have fun.

how it take u a month to balance something anyway?

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Honestly destro is doing in big pulls, ala unholy and waycrest manor. Unholy was nerfed into the ground, destro has been lightly tickled, at least from what kalamzi says.

My aff lock is still waiting to get 4pc and destro to have some fun.

Just read latest destro nerfs.

Fun detected :frowning:

It is balanced around RWF player skill just like around MDI player skill.

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