Dark Ranger: Bleak Powder damage increased by 25%65%.
Patch 11.0.7 includes a bug fix that would otherwise cause Bleak Powder to lose a substantial amount of damage, so these changes are intended to compensate and make Bleak Powder hit as hard as it should.
This must be the biggest troll ever. You can’t be that dense to not realize that BM is completely braindead and obnoxiously OP and the last thing it needs is any form of buff or even compensation for bug fixes that would barely bring them in line (which they wouldn’t even, it would still be broken op).
Kaivax i challenge you , u have to get my Fire Mage sunfury build and go do some 10 random mythic key’s with some random dps like Shaman, rouge , DK or what u choose
and if u beat them in overall… u can continue with those funny class tuning post’s… but if u cant u have to quit and all other dev’s that didnt get what they do !!! TELL ME WHY I HAVE TO FARM 3 MONTHS AND FORM 600 to 635 ilvl overall dps is same 1m?
Their biggest issue lies with the fact that Warrior has neither a ht/bl nor a cr, there’s just no reason to pick them over DK/Retri/Enhancer, and in addition, for one of the Affixes (dispell) they also lack the option to deal with it themselves.
You clearly have no Idea what you are doing Unholy Death Knight or any spec of Death knight was Last good in BFA and that was only the last season why do you hate this class? it never has any potential and always looked down upon get your head straight for once
Just buff Tinker, it sucks in PvP, how can Suicide Plane be burst dmg skill in PvE but hits tiny in PvP like giving a kiss to your opponent instead of harming it. Also make mech suit passive armor % higher. Thanks in advance!
I don’t know but Marksmanship Hunter is in a very low spot and it will remain for a long time .
Basically it’s the only spec with 1 Dps cd and after just the basic rotation .(Not only that , but the only spec that has 1 dps cd and need to waste 4 talents points to properly function at some degree )
That’s right 4 talents point … for 1 Cd …
619 dk can burst to 7 mill dps on aoe and with high uptime while 630++ MM Hunter bareally can do something above 3.5m ***
I believe that you guys can come with a better solution on providing engaging game-play for this spec .
Many developers and designers do, actually. Stop this nonsense. Don’t repeat idiots, it doesn’t make you look clever. It just makes you look like one of those soulless wannabes.
There’s zero reason why they should. Being able to design and develop challenging content doesn’t mean that they have the will, mood, or skills to actually beat it…
I have no idea how that relates to anything about Blizzard playing their own game or not, to make a point.
A logical fallacy, if anything. Bringing up someone’s experience (not really correct but whatever) to discredit their opinion regarding something else…