Where PvP nerf for Fury wars? All playing fury this is insane…
- buff Arms for PvP … jesus, arms is in weakest situation ever.
Where PvP nerf for Fury wars? All playing fury this is insane…
In my opinion these feral buffs are not enough, Feral is a class that will always look bad on warcraft logs in raid because we do zero add damage on most fights and our AOE is about ticking damage not instant damage its too slow for us to ever have an impact on raid boss adds. This is the reason why every feral mostly runs full single target talents in raid, but when i class like warrior does crazy instant AOE burst damage and way more boss damage something has gone wrong in the tuning. Feral needs to do way more single target damage as that’s the one job ferals can do. I will take the buff but yes not enough for me to feel useful.
And again no aoe bm buff bb m+ s1 and for the ones that say just go mm yeah sure no ty haste is useless on mm. And prio 1 on bm
Show me on the doll where the monk touched you to warrant such a reaction I love the average wow andy, instead of fighting for more power for his class, he will always resort to trying to pull others down to his level. Maybe git gud at the game lil bro
Thanks blizzard nerfing the worst pvp healer. I’ll be back in S4 instead of playing this mess
Ok, so tuning wasn’t applied? I have same dps on fire mage, same numbers on spells. I know 6% wouldn’t help, but i don’t see even this 6%
i like how holy priest is the most represented in healers pvp and they didnt touch it. Well done.
you mean dc priest, holy are dead in pvp, dc are half of all heals
no I meant sarcastically holy
the worst is holy priest and they didnt nerf it, probalbly it s already in the bottom and there is nothing below
PvP has always been a silly thing to care about, that has been the case since forever, it did not start “Now”
You are joking right ? Ret are already middle of the pack at best and you are nerfing us ? where are the buffs to go with that nerf ? ill await patiently to hear the reply yet another season we are lacking in single target while you have other speccs globalling people when they are bursting nice balancing!
Also they are removing 1 min wings in the season one mid patch tell your retributions paladin developers if you even have any they are a joke and have no clue! sorry not sorry
it was better at the end of dragonflight.
And idd no m+ groups wanna take BM cause no aoe
Ok, so now IN THE SAME GEAR AND SAME TALENTS i have more dmg on spells(fire mage) than yesterday, so tuning was delayed for 1 day, no one mentioned for sure :)))))
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