Class Tuning Incoming – 18 September

This isn’t really a significant nerf, just a shift in numbers (but the result may still be slightly lower, sure).

feral is anyway op why more buffs? does anyone of u devs play even ur own game? lol

Added the following to the OP:


  • Arcane
    • Arcane Blast damage reduced by 5%.
    • Arcane Missiles damage reduced by 8%.


  • Fury
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.

Will we at least be seeing an attempt to apply bugfixes for Herald Talent’s that hinder it’s dps numbers still at all?

Gleaming Rays is still bugged to this day where it doesn’t last even a fraction of uptime required as stated in the tooltip of the hero talent. Dawnlight is up for 30 seconds but gleaming rays in about 5-10 seconds anyway.

But instead you seem to be focused on nerfing the spec based on heavily inflated numbers based on logs by a bug caused by your developer team from an ability no Retribution Paladin really ever asked for their toolkit and want it removed. (Instrument of Retribution)

I invite any developer out there to check the sim values of the Retribution Paladin and justify the nerf we have recieved with a straight face afterwards. Nerfing a class at the bottom of the charts further is cruel.

If you cannot balance the spec around Instrument of Retribution, it is time to remove it. or at least make it so player who died gets the damage from it on logs just you did with Augmentation Evokers in collab with Warcraft Logs.

Revert this tuning before weekly reset! Revert ST nerfs from 11.0.2! Every other class on bottom of the charts got buffed while we got nerfed.

Can we be top for one time? Poor us.

Goin to complete destroy fury in pvp… Thats 4th time already nerfs in 2 weeks lll gg blizz make changes for those 1% top players and dont give af bout other players GG

I don’t understand the continuous nerfs to Fury Warrior and we’ve had Shadow Priest on its state the whole Season 3 (and others) but specifically on that Season was worst. Beeing a warrior and having to queue due to lack of CC or utility/psinergy for most magical damage specs already feels like terrible each season.

Then 1 time that we shine in damage (short fights or burst damage) okay lets nerf it.

I’m okay with AoE or burst nerfs but nerfing all the damage when its Single Target is not one of the brightest feels bad and unfair.

Ey but when a new Meta comp raises keep it as it is for 1 to 3 seasons, no problem. No warrior fun allowed.


Both warrior and arcane literally destroying the charts, this is justified.

I’m just here to say thank you for buffing demonology warlocks. I really hate to play affi even tho I like dot gameplay, but tracking dots, trying to dot every other mobs, tracking the mechanics of hc raid/mythic + is literally overwhelming a lot. Iam new to this class and I have been enjoying demo way too much. This buff will help us further and on par with affi for sure. It’s very huge and literally made me keep playing the game. I also obtained my 4 set piece already, going lucky and strong !

AND STILL 0 NERFS TO DC, look at 2s, 1000 of top5000 are DC PRIESTS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

Sorry, was 970 yesterday, 1020 now :slight_smile: Clowns don’t even play arenas

Wow… like wow… the way ret performs atm i thought we had buffs inc like 100% sure…
The even promised templar dps sucks… so we all went herald instead… witch still had us at low end of the dps list… and yet… dawnlight gets 15% nerf… well to be honest r.i.p. retri atm ! That nerf get’s is at the bottom end for sure…
Not sure what you guys are doing there… you all high or something !

You BUFFED monks?! In what world are you morons living? They are the single most broken class both in PvP and PvE. At this point just let them summon the entire Pandaria continent and be done with it. Ever since this sh*tty class was introduced the devs have been weirdly fetishizing them. There’s legit no strategy against monks you just bend over and take it whether you like it or not.

Like every class OP or not has a downside, yeah fury hits like a truck but we have shtty defensives. Now we get a nerf too, as expected. Not the case for monks. They hit even harder and on top of that defend even better. I’m not even going into their utility skills which are WHAT THE F** WERE YOU THINKING tier. And they get buffed. It must be a joke.



How does Frost Mage go untouched in PvP?

What a strange tuning patch. Pretty much everything just seems completely out of whack.

The Ret Paladin changes make 0 sense whatsoever, way to kick them while they’re down =/

Prot Paladin getting no love whatsoever was entirely unexpected.

I don’t play warrior so I can’t say for certain, but I do feel bad for them. Blizzard don’t seem to fond of you guys getting a bit of the limelight for some reason.

Resto Shaman buffs (Although not to their healing outside of Guidance) also seems odd to me.

Just everything seems wrong. But the most egregious changes have to be the Paladin tuning. Ret and Prot Paladin needs some reconsideration for sure.

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This is what happens when you ask chatGPT to look at some logs and make adjustments, instead of using actual, skilled developers to do the balancing.


It makes no sense to me. Blizzard nerfed Arcane twice in one week. It would be really bad if Arcane did well. They just keep buffing it until some other spec is better. If you look at the logs, arcane is strong, but not so strong that you get more than 6% overall. Do some good work!!!

The sad thing for me is this expansion brings many positives to the table.

The zones are amazing,
Delves offer a non timed experience for people who hate m+
The raid is strong

The entire expansion is marred by poor balancing, as the (In this case generally good) content is always seen using the tools we have to see it.

I’m concerned about the impact of the upcoming changes to Mistweaver Monks in PvP. The nerf to Peaceweaver and the cooldown reduction on Revival being cut in half will be tough to handle. It feels like a major blow to one of our critical abilities, especially considering the challenge of keeping up with other healers like Priests.

While the 3% overall heal buff is a nice improvement, it doesn’t seem to make up for the loss of Peaceweaver’s cooldown reduction. I’m finding it much harder to keep up in matches and contribute effectively.

Has anyone discovered any new strategies or adjustments that are working for them? I’m open to suggestions or just sharing experiences to see how others are handling the changes. It would be great to find a way to make the most of the situation until things hopefully get adjusted.

Of course Fury Warriors don’t understand why they are being nerfed XD

Bury arcane idgaf. Just buff fire properly so mage players can play the game. Thanks.

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