Class Tuning Incoming – 30 October

you forgot to add the developers notes for warrior changes, let me make a suggestion: " We have no f ing idea what we are doing and randomly make changes to see what the community says, we could play the game but we are too stupid"

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“Class Tuning”…
You will make me quit/stop playing another alt.
My paladin was supposed to be my main in this PvP season but…
I logged in and my talents were reset…
No thanks! No time to waste to google and search how to put my talents again.
Some ppl has jobs and work… Stop RESETING THEIR TALENTS IN GAME!

Ret pala does below average ST, let them have something.


No its not below average , actually its quite good , thats the problem its virtually good in every scenario

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They should buff the ST a bit, buff survival and nerf the AOE. Ret does effortless gigantic dps on every pull in M+ while most specs have to pick and choose which pulls they can do good dps on. Ret is also a semi-ranged melee class that can dodge mechanics without losing uptime, giving them a huge advantage compared to other melee specs.

When people see Rets doing 2mil overall dps in a dungeon and bringing top tier utility, they rightly think “why is this spec so strong”. Fury had massive AOE every 1.5mins and got nerfed like 34 times in a row ,until Odyns Fury was dead, they finally got buffed but that burst AOE spec is dead, while Ret had it all along.


maybe i can play my balance again and leave my ele behind

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You ruined the game.
I’m amazed at how you managed to do this.


what have blizz agains Shaman ! Ele was fun after 15 years now say bliz NO and weaker then befor rework after nerv will be 20% for aoe 10 for ST so around 15-16% overall nerv! great job !!! where is the nerv for the other class like dk ?


Are you refering to the same ele shamans that were peaking 20 mil dps?
Dk’s got hit 3 days ago with 22% nerf on 3 of its best hitting abilities.

then say me why is only 3 coms on +16 that is enh aug dk , dk rouge boomi and mage aug dk ? on dps the first ele is on +15 ! boomi get buffed


They are not as you can see on all the top comps. no ret paladins hey even no paladins.

a bug that they fixed and then still hit with a very bad nerf

Every season has some kind of top end mythic++ team comp that has good synergy , that DOESNT mean the lower brackets (which accounts for us lowly mortals) should be dominated by certain specs AKA ret PALAS becouse they have insane upfront & sustained dmg , melee range and party utility

DF also had a massive ret mythic participation and it was flat out busted and still we had 2 seasons of rets completelly dominating mythic +

Yes tune the rest not make all specs except the meta unplayable.

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This simply isn’t true. Look at any of the logs posted on wowhead. Pala is mid at best

You are confusing functional, popular and easy with busted and dominating.

Hello blizz have you heard of a class called demon hunter?


Ret class is simply out-performing the majority of classes and the catering is getting obvious by now.

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No way, top 10 tanks m+ there are 3 prot paladins lol. They can survive +16’s then they can do everything else lower than that.