Class Tuning Incoming – 30 October

Ok sorry my mistake. Really didn’t expect the meta to allow comps with prot pala when it was so low ranked.

Hopefully not

That’s a good thing.

People should always be discouraged from playing PvP

Rework when?

Starts to be tiring to see that you have no clue what to do and just increase/lower percentages when you feel it’s needed…

Still no utility in M+, a meager Rallying Cry that was nerf to the ground so much over the years that it barely do anything, a cone stun. A talent tree full of 2 slot talents, with a tree rework that was a pure joke.

It’s time to have a Warrior rework, now that you have done the 200th rework of paladin, would be good to switch to other classes that needs it!


Bro, wait , they still have the rest of the paladin trees to rework before the rest of the plebs get any attention.

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Yeah right, the wings are not bright enough. Let’s spend another major Patch to fix it and discard everything else :rofl:

Blizzard hates tanks :expressionless:


Is it. Is it really…

Translation. Why are you playing delves when we want you to play M+!!?? WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!

Oh I’m sorry Blizzard, I keep forgetting I have to play the way you want me to.

Sorry deleting all my characters unless they’re paladins.


Don’t be silly.


They reworked Ele shaman again at 11.0.5 and now wiht this nerf ele shaman will be much worse than how it was at first place. Hilarious clueless d*gs.

Revert shaman back to the patch before 11.0.5 if ur letting this through. ILL BE MORE THAN FINE SPAMMING LB AND CHAIN LIGHTNING. What a joke, gutting us like this, if im still on the raid team after this patch ill be surprised, and if im not im taking a break untill you fix us and not just throw out changes left and right like it is ptr or beta.

Why bring a shaman to anything now when a balance druid can do everything we can plus having a 30-50% better damage profile

#Not very happy elemental shaman here


Thanks a lot, geniuses. Now my class feels ‘bad’ instead of downright ‘terrible.’ I’m unsubscribing, and maybe others should too—maybe if the money stops coming in, you’d actually put in some effort. balancing something critical /heavy mid-patch That’s an insult to everyone who pays for a subscription


At this point I honestly don’t know what is going on with the tuning and redesigning. It would be fairly obvious to anyone who has experience with the game, that numbers are a huge part of every role and class. Why are you redesigning a Hero Talent like DR and then tuning the numbers so that it loses all viability? We get a small redesign of MM hunter, which fairly heavily nerfs the aoe for the class. Then we get the DR which then replace Sentinel as the main Hero Talent, and then it’s nerfed so that it’s no longer viable? So all in all you just changed the class a bit and nerfed it? Why even change it then? … Is this really what you guys are using the time on at work? Guys… At this point. This is embarrassing.


Every patch or balance change feels like a big middle finger to all warrior players. If you actually expect us to buy your mount, you’re being ridiculously greedy. Where are the developer notes for the warrior changes? Accept your stup1d1ty, we know it, your family knows it even you mothers know it… grow a pair

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Perhaps your balancing team should look into treating their learning disabilities


where is ret aoe damage nerf?


Buffing disco priest IS THAT SERIOUS???

Can Holy Priest have something??? How much it cost to be considered? 78€?

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Hi I’m a monk a new class you dont know


Not true at all. Also, what about:

  • changes to combat design related to old dungeons, so soloing old raids will not be sucking anymore, even if it didn’t straight before the 11.0.5 had a premiere?
  • info about timewalking and scaling old content, so changes to levels 35-70 who are one-shotting bosses, while levels 80 are being one-shotted by the same bosses?
  • not thinking that flat increase of healing / damage will solve problems, but instead redesigning PROPERLY this or that class?
  • mage tower changes, so it’s not overtuned and it actually scales to player level, instead of scaling player to its level?

Agree 100% people are criminally managing in game balance.
I saw that coming ever since i saw announcements on the 11.05 changes and how big they were.
I already paused my subscription, and kinda regret spending 2 months into this addon clusterfk while missing on some awesome game releases.
Should these changes hit and i have to restat my gear for a second time in a week, im out and im not coming back.
Gave this game its chance after 13 years and they want to blow it, fine by me.

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for me, i started beta with furry. there he was overperforming but got nerfed to the ground. But with 11.0.5 he did more than before, and looked like in a better state than after this 2x nerfes with odyns and blade (but yeah still weird changes to warri, he deserves a rework too)

Again you let the Hpriest dying.

Can we have something? Or are you having fun to see us in the bottom tier in M+
Is that on purpose to make all Hpriest reroll and pay sesame and stuff for going Rsham?