Class Tuning Incoming – 7 June

As we continue to monitor class performance in instanced group content as well as PvP, we regularly adjust classes that are over- or under-performing. Based on recent data, observations, and feedback from players, we intend to make the following adjustments during scheduled weekly maintenance (on 7 June in this region).


Death Knight

  • Blood
    • All damage abilities increased by 8%.


  • Feral
  • Developers’ notes: The following set bonus changes will increase the average number of stacks of the (2) Set Bonus and cause the (4) Set Bonus to trigger less often, but provide more Agility when it does.
    • Aberrus (2) Set Bonus: Chance for Shadows of the Predator stacks to reset reduced by 15%.
    • Aberrus (4) Set Bonus: Now increases Agility by 8% (was 5%).


  • Preservation
  • Developers’ notes: We would like there to be more of a reward to using Disintegrate over Living Flame as a Preservation Evoker, since it has a high Essence cost.
    • Disintegrate damage has been increased by 15% for Preservation Evoker.


  • Beast Mastery
    • All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abilities increased by 5%.


  • Fire
    • Pyroblast damage increased by 5%. This does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Fire Blast damage increased by 10%. This does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Fireball damage increased by 10%. This does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Phoenix Flames damage increased by 10%. This does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Scorch damage increased by 10%.


  • Brewmaster
    • All ability damage increased by 3%.
    • Rising Sun Kick damage increased by 10%.
    • Blackout Kick damage increased by 30%.
    • Tiger Palm damage increased by 30%.
  • Mistweaver
    • All healing abilities increased by 3%. This does not apply to PvP Combat.


  • Assassination
    • All ability damage increased by 5%.


  • Developers’ notes: The high frequency of Amplify Curse has been problematic in PvP combat, so its cooldown has been increased. These changes are also noted in the PvP section below.
    • The cooldown of Amplify Curse is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Teachings of the Satyr now reduces the cooldown of Amplify Curse by 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).


  • Arms
  • Developers’ notes: Arms Warriors are not performing as well as we would like in single target or low-target-count situations.
    • All ability damage increased by 4%.
    • Fatality Fatal Mark damage increased by 15%.
    • Deep Wounds periodic damage increased by 5%.
    • Rend periodic damage increased by 5%.
  • Protection
  • Developers’ notes: Protection Warriors are not currently performing as competitively as we would like compared to most other tanks in terms of damage and survivability.
    • All damaging abilities increased by 8%.
    • Auto-attack damage increased by 10%.
    • Spell Block’s duration increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
    • Thunderlord now causes each enemy hit by Thunder Clap to reduce the remaining cooldown of Demoralizing Shout by 1.5 seconds, up to 4.5 seconds (was 1.0 seconds, up to 3.0 seconds).

Player versus Player


  • Balance
  • Developers’ notes: Balance Druids have been overperforming due to their ability to generate so much Astral Power and deal high damage by applying dots and casting Starfall repeatedly. We’d like to reduce the effectiveness of that playstyle since it’s difficult for opponents to stop. Goldrinn’s Fang also became much more effective in Embers of Neltharion, and includes some randomness and ability to score kills unexpectedly. Finally, Owlkin Adept has been a locked-in talent for a while now and has been propping up their control a bit more than we’re comfortable with.
    • Moonfire and Sunfire generate 4 Astral Power when cast in PvP combat (was 6).
    • Stellar Innervation increases Astral Power generation of Moonfire and Sunfire by 50% in PvP combat (was 100%).
    • Star Burst grants 8 Astral Power (was 15).
    • Owlkin Adept reduces the cast time of Cyclone and Entanglng Roots by 20% (was 30%).
    • Goldrinn’s Fang damage is reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Wrath and Starfire deal 60% increased damage in PvP combat (was 50%).


  • Marksmanship
  • Developers’ notes: Marksmanship Hunters have been underperforming in different forms of PvP content.
    • Aimed Shot damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
    • Rapid Fire damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 15%).
    • Arcane Shot damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 16%).


  • Discipline
  • Developers’ notes: Discipline has been more reliant on shields this season than we’d like. We’re increasing Atonement healing while bringing down the power of shields, with the goal of the preferred playstyle being an offensive one. We’re also targeting the mana reduction from Inner Light, as Discipline has been more mana efficient than we’d like.
    • Power Word: Shield now absorbs 15% less damage in PvP combat.
    • Inner Light now reduces the mana cost of the affected spells by 10% (was 15%).
    • Atonement healing is now 50% more effective in PvP combat (was 40%).


  • Fire
  • Developers’ notes: Glass Cannon is intended to have high risk and high reward with its gameplay, and we feel the risk is too low for the benefit it provides, especially when paired with Flamecannon.
    • Glass Cannon now decreases maximum health by 20% (was 15%)
    • Flamecannon now increases maximum health by 2% per stack (was 3%).


  • Mistweaver
  • Developers’ notes: Mistweavers have been overperforming compared to other healers, especially due to their mana efficiency.
    • Soulfang Infusion now regenerates 75% less Mana in PvP combat (was 50%).
    • Zen Spheres now cost 0.5% base Mana.
    • Enveloping Mist now heals for 5% more in PvP combat (was 20%).
    • Mistweaver Monks now regenerate 15% less Mana in PvP combat (was 10%).
  • Windwalker
  • Developers’ notes: Whirling Dragon Punch has felt underwhelming and we’d like it to feel impactful to use without being a major portion of a Windwalker’s damage profile.
    • Whirling Dragon Punch damage increased by 80% in PvP combat.


  • Enhancement
  • Developers’ notes: There are a few talents that are leading to fast kills that can feel unfair when facing an Enhancement Shaman. We’re aiming to bring down the burst potential from cooldowns and increase sustained DPS.
    • Forceful Winds is now 75% effective in PvP Combat.
    • The damage increase to Lava Lash from Ashen Catalyst is now 33% effective in PvP combat.
    • Lava Lash now deals 35% increased damage in PvP combat (was 15%).
    • The Physical damage increase from Feral Spirit is now 33% effective in PvP combat.
    • The Fire, Frost, and Lightning damage increase from Elemental Spirits is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Stormstrike now deals 75% increased damage in PvP combat (was 50%).
    • Windstrike now deals 75% increased damage in PvP combat (was 50%).
  • Restoration
  • Developers’ notes: We feel Restoration Shaman is in a good spot. Rain Dance wasn’t as valuable as we were anticipating, so we’re aiming to increase its viability.
    • Rain Dance now increases the healing done by Healing Rain by 30% (was 20%).
    • Rain Dance now reduces the mana cost of Healing Rain by 45% (was 30%).


  • Subtlety
  • Developers’ notes: Burst damage from Subtlety has been higher than we’d like this season. We’re looking to keep the spec in a strong position while toning down their burst potential in short windows.
    • Secret Technique damage is now reduced by 33% in PvP combat (was 25%).
    • Shadowstrike and Backstab damage from Weaponmaster is now 50% effective in PvP combat.
    • Flagellation’s Mastery bonus is now 80% effective in PvP combat.
    • Dark Shadow is now 67% effective in PvP combat (was 80%).


  • Developers’ notes: Inquisitor’s Gaze has been dealing a sizeable portion of Warlock damage this season, and we’d like damage to come primarily from active spells.
    • Fel Barrage from Inquisitor’s Gaze now deals 40% reduced damage in PvP combat.
    • Developers’ note: The high frequency of Amplify Curse has been problematic in PvP combat.
    • The cooldown of Amplify Curse is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
    • Teachings of the Satyr now reduces the cooldown of Amplify Curse by 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
  • Affliction
  • Developers’ notes: We are increasing the damage of Unstable Affliction’s backlash effect to lessen the value of dispelling Affliction’s damage over time effects. It’s been lower than we’d like, in addition to healers gaining extra health this season. Additionally, we’re increasing Shadow Bolt damage as the reward for casting it is lower than we’d like.
    • Unstable Affliction backlash damage increased by 50%.
    • Shadow Bolt damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Destruction
  • Developers’ notes: Destruction’s sustained DPS has been high and we feel this is mainly due to Shadowburn’s high multiplier. We would like for instant casts to be strong but not be the primary way to land kills.
    • Conflagration damage is now reduced by 15% in PvP combat (was 9%).
    • Shadowburn damage is now increased by 15% in PvP combat (was 45%).
  • Demonology
  • Developers’ notes: Demonology’s healing reduction effect from their Felguard was one of the best healing reductions in the game, which didn’t feel appropriate given the class identity, how easy it is to apply, and how it can be applied to multiple targets at a time. Along with Affliction, we’re also increasing the damage of Shadow Bolt in PvP, as the reward for casting it is low.
    • Legion Strike reduces healing taken by 20% in PvP (was 25%).
    • Shadow Bolt damage increased by 30% in PvP combat.

Nice buffs and all but how about nerfing arcane mage and demo lock to bring them on par with others too?

Brewmaster buffs makes sense. Now WW Monk is worse than Brew spec. Why blizzard does nothing for WW ST damage? and stil Arms warrior ST was better then WW ST :slight_smile: It feelsbadman for all WW monks !!

Windwalker stil worst ST dps spec in raid !!!


Pretty good changes, but you really should look into tank threat modifiers in general. It’s getting out of hand how hard it is to gain/maintain threat with certain dps specs in the group. It’s not fun when I press every cooldown I have + potion to deal damage, and it’s still not enough.
This happens every expansion. Each season DPS outscale tanks in relative damage gains, and threat becomes an issue.

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Do you want us to play arms rather than fury?!

Thanks for the Hello Kitty bandaid on BM’s gushing wound, I guess.

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I appreciate the work Kaivax,

but this 5% for BM is yet again another slap in the face. The Devs literally destroyed us for 3 weeks with unwarranted nerfs after nerfs. Now you’re crawling it back slowly but we are not in a good position at all even with this lacking buff.

We have absolutely zero burst, our 4 set is pathetic not counting the occasional bug with it.

Our talent tree makes no sense at all, many of them are completely useless.

Please help the Devs get a grip.

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Can we have someone, anyone, look at havoc bugs at least? Nevermind the design issues, the overwhelming hatred of momentum and the fact that there are so few havoc in high end now, only 1 one havoc every two weeks is looking for a guild on wowprogress.

latest bugs found:

  • Fel Devastation is no longer healing.
  • Movement has a chance to cancel an Eye Beam channel.
  • Casting The Hunt into Eye Beam will cancel the Eye Beam cast.
  • Casting Fel Rush immediately after The Hunt will not grant 5 more seconds of Momentum

(thanks for the havoc discord for all their hard work.)

Hey Kaivax, how about some server tuning?


I don’t think this is the reason people aren’t playing it. If you just read the wowhead guide, they say its weakness is that in talent selection they have to decide between multi and single tatget → no in-between and as you can imagine, this sucks in most content, because you need both

Where is dk pvp buffs?


I refuse this :joy:


Hunter buffs noice

but… why no Deathknight buffs for frost or unholy ?
they are trash lol

Frost and unholy need PvP tuning desperately,

  • unholy suggestion would be to make Army of the dead baseline for unholy and move it off the talent tree or make it a multi node with the abomination PVP talent
  • Frost suggestion make increase proc change for killing machine and remorseless winter damage between pillar goes

Because they are strong in the raid. So you cant just aura buff them.

i just edited

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Fair enough. PvP is an entirely different cup of tea.

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Blizzard never upset de balance of a current season. They never did and they never will.

If you’re part of the lucky ones who play the top meta spec and classes, well, good for you
but for everyone else, well, suck to be you, try again next season and until then buckle up
for the dumpster you’re going to live in for the next 6 months.
It’s doesn’t matter how well you’re geared, how high your ratings are, no one is going to pick you
over the 50+ people playing meta spec and classes at the same level of gear and rating applying at the same time as you.

I do not have the time to gear up meta spec and classes alt nor the will to play them.
I enjoy my class and spec like many and want to stick with it and simply because
we have picked up the short straw this season, we are just second rate players.

I’ll never understand what’s their endgame with that balance philosophy around musical chairs.
How some spec or even classes can stay unplayable for a whole expansion (drood or shaman know)…

So Blizzard can litteraly go fork themselves with this. I’m done for this season.
I just want to play the damn expansion without being a litteral burden for anyone fool enough to give me a shot at any decent endgame activity.


The changes to both pro ret/prot paladins and the nerfs to prot warriors in S1 contradicts your statement though, as well as the changes to the hunter bow during S1. There were many changes throughout the season, way more than what Blizzard usually does.

The feral change is good playstyle wise but it seems weird that when looking at overall class rankings these changes probably make it dead last for warcraftlogs metrics, since the specs (bm and fire mage) that had a worse performance got a much bigger buff, while specs that were already doing better , but still underperforming overall , such as assassination and arms got meaninfgul number adjustments, probably making the gap bigger.

If the devs acknowledge that the spec is underperforming do they also foresee that putting in just these changes and not also something like an aura buff or some increase to single target damage will hurt public perception even if the gameplay is better and the performance is slightly (1% to be generous) better? Where what you play ranks on the statistics chart on warcraftlogs and youtuber tier lists (regurgitating said chart) is sadly such an integral part of having a good time in wow that i think it should be taken into account, especially for a spec that has no unique utility in a raid setting such as feral due to a majority of raid groups having multiple druids already, while also being melee, the most contested spot in a 20 man raid.

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