Class Tuning Incoming - 13 March

they dont play DK thats for sure

the hatred for DK rots within the Dev team… its almost like they actively try to punish players that play DK

remove the death strike nerfs,
rework Frost dk
buff defence vs physical damage
remove GCD/button bloat with unholy
fix deathgrip charges not being refunded when target is immune
fix ghoul pathing issues
make wraithwalk baseline
remove the slappy hands nerf for limited grips


I can’t believe that , nice troll from blizzard. at this point the only thing u want is players remove sub .



  1. sunk cost fallacy
  2. it will not change the overall gameplay of the game
  3. supporting = playing the game because it is still fun? I don’t support the decisions they make but I still have fun playing the game and most balancing doesn’t affect me as I don’t play in the top 0.1% anyways

doesn’t mean we have to sit silent and take every crap they throw at us. Once in the while they actually listen but even though it is maybe once every 3 years.

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Please buff Holy Paladin spenders and reduce mana costs!


Do you guys just want preservation and devastation to burn??? Can you just fix devastation?? Why is it still F tier after two rounds of buffs 3 months ago???

Feral bros? Are we back or not?

Can we dub these 3% buffs that Blizz does the “Pity buffs”?

Pity buffs for marks, survival and elemental!

We don’t know what to do with them but they sound weak and sad. So here is a pity buff! It won’t do anything, but it will keep them going.

Maybe they really want people to play classic xyz bullcrap. Classic xyz had more balance/communication at least 3 times more than DF overall.

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where are the ret paladin buffs? Final verdict still needs buffs.

Why dont you just make every class be in a good spot in pvp nerfs are ruining and taking the fun out of this game

Seems there is no fistweaver or significant dh nerfs which are the biggest problem causing havoc in pvp currently, pun intended.

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Please stop with these updates too late when people unsubscribe, these things need to apply Overnight not wait for a damn Tuesday, you making the same thing all over again 2 healers overperforming as well as 2 DPS and the rest are mostly unplayable in PVP.
STOP doing this for the years make some progress PLEASE!

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  1. No nerf to cylcone? People are standing in crowd controls for ages because of cyclines
    2.No nerf to sub rogues oneshotting in stun chains and assa rogues aoe for 60+ millions? What???
  2. No buff to enh shamans and frost dks which are useless in every pvp mode
  3. No nerf to feral aoe which does 60+ millions same as assa rogues

your changes are a JOKE


Problem is like they dont do it enough. They balance 1-2 times early each season and then left it rot.

are you rly surprised ferals aren’t getting nerfed given the state they are in?

They had AWC so simple show by professionals to show you what you can only play in the arena and what is useless, which means they needed to react yesterday…

Always happy to see that blizzard only cares about the top 0.001%

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it would be easy for them if devs who make these ridiculous changes played arena enough to recognize problems … I’m not sure if are they playing at all …

You’d have been in a better spot if you made no changes than these crap ones.

The DH changes especially are ridiculous. What about all the other tanks?

This is embarrassing at this point.


I have to agree with what people have been reiterating here. The changes mentioned are pretty terrible in that it really shows that those who were looking over the data, actually never had people test out the changes being made prior to releasing this information.

If this is any evidence as to what to expect with 10.2.6, we can expect that to always be terrible, along with how the experience of TWW will be, but then again at least that direction is being led by people who have nothing to do with class balancing.

This thread is going to generate some interesting replies on the day of the patch/a few days afterwards.

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So I, a main Mistweaver who only plays M+, am getting nerfed because of the 0.01% peeps who are cheesing Fyrakk mythic. Wtf is this sh*t? Mistweaver is good for one season and you’re ruining it with these none sense changes, whereas druids and priests who are good in every single season remain OP, unscathed.
I bloody hate how blizz always neglects monks