Nothing for dks in pvp, why not hire some pvp devs?
The sad truth is, pretty much none of the developers probably play World of Warcraft anymore.
This is pretty evident from the terrible patch notes. The balancing looks like it’s done by someone who really doesn’t put much effort into their work. In the sense of no double checking, testing, rechecking & retesting. It just goes to show that you can have a degree or some type of experience in game development, but you don’t have to play the games.
When it comes to any form of class balancing or character creation or class creation, as a developer should be personally invested in playing the game, understanding what you’re doing. Because if you’re just blindly going in going, “oh, you know, only this needs 6% nerf. This needs 25% buff to this spell”, but they don’t know what they’re doing. It screws up the game for everyone.
I don’t know if the original developers are still working who were doing the classes after all the layoffs that happened at Blizzard in the United States. But It’s just unfortunate that over the course of this season and I sure it happened in the previous season, we’ve seen terrible decision after terrible decision which is made everything yo-yo all over the place.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, there could be possible cause for concern if all the developers, specifically the project leads, are looking at these changes and saying yes to them because it could mean that going into the next expansion, we could be looking at a complete cluster show.
But I believe there is merit in what has been said with regards to the balance notes. That they’re representing that very small percentile of player because if they were looking at data from every single player. I’m sure all of us can agree the balance patch notes would be vastly different as to what we’re seeing right now.
yep more talents and more interaction with them, which will be even harder to balance
Leave my evi alone!
Expected DH to be left dead and buried on the side walk, these nerfs are very laughable. Feels like rogue got nerfed more somehow even than DH
Let me fix Demon Hunters for you:
- Blur is now on 90 seconds cooldown (was 60) and duration is 6 seconds (was 10).
- Glimpse is no longer available to Havoc Specialization.
- Vengeful Retreat is now on 45 seconds cooldown (was 25).
- All damage dealt by you in pvp combat is reduced by additional 15%.
Nice trolling there with buffing meta specs so they can be even more meta now
This shows how completly clueless tuning team in blizz is.
This is the team which shoudl have been completly totaly disbanded and fired not CS ;/
i had a duel against a full geared pvp paladin yesterday.
i was with my DH.
this dude was playing almost on 2k arena.
in the fight he used all of his shields. went almost to 5% 2 times and then used lay on hand to just be able to stay alive in the fight.
you killed ret paladin for good and i had to play dh.
i hope you buff and make Dh more strong
or at least put some 20% increased all damage done on rets in pvp
all 3 hunter spec at the bottom of the dps ranking
took the consequence and deleted wow a month ago.
but I guess that’s just the way it is when people complain when a hunter gets a little higher in dps, then the idiots come out and demand a nerf.
So decided after many years that now it must stop
- Elemental
- All damage increased by 3%. Does not affect PvP combat.
Haven’t anyone on your team really figured out that you could do similar buff/nerf to Damage Taken in terms of M+? Couldn’t you simply decrease damage taken for some classes/specs like mentioned Ele Shaman or BM/MM Hunter? Many specs are not taken for high keys not because their damage is not enough, it’s lack of survivability and sometimes utility.
they dont care.
and they are really relly horrible at their jobs.
university student interns woudl do a better job if this was semestral assigment -_-
unfortunately its painfully obvious blizzard just doesnt care.
Every class tuning post follows the same responses.
My Class X is bad, need more buffs and class Y which I think is better than me, needs nerfs
You hear that, boys? They buffing our verbal roasts!
After some thoughts, here are my comments:
(A) As many others already mentioned, you guys are not even trying to hide the relationship between MDI and lack of tuning. Stop this please.
(B) TIMING is important in M+. We have 2 upcoming tyrannical weeks of CRAP affixes. So you “spice up” the meta so slowly, and at such an inconvenient time that whatever nerfs/buffs you intended wont come into affect until 4 weeks from now.
(C) Most of the tuning is for raid tuning. PLEASE. Stop this. The raid is over. End-of-season has classically been M+ and PvP season. Everyone is trying to push as high as possible. So forget about those Mythic raiders. They had their glory for the past months. Its M+ turn now. So please, shake up the M+ scene with tuning. Not the raid scene.
It’s hilarious that even though SoD has horrible balance people still flock to it more cause the dev team of like 15 actually bothers to communicate whilst the retail devs that is like 2k people or something are all like “DONT WORRY GUYS WE’RE WORKING ON TWW ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!!!” and disappear for 2 months
To late but we will see how it plays out. DH might need another round of nerfs. And not 5 months from now.
TOMRUS is not amused.
They would have been better off by not giving any justification for the limited buffs to Preservation; it’s a bit of a stretch to see how they will help with the range restriction.
…just buff the range…
Have they ever hidden it though?