Alright, this finally did it for me. I unsubbed. They clearly don’t care, why should I?
And then change it to “group invites be like:” and change 3% to decline
As a havoc main this makes me sad…
It does seems:
no care has been taken into buffing selectively spells in order to buff ST or AOE.
no care has been taken into taking PVP into consideration.
Some classes need help on pve in ST fights.
Some classes need a nerf on pve in ST fights.
Some classes need a buff in AOE for mythic+
Some classes need a nerf in AOE for mythic+ (give me a break with 100k aoe dps).
Melee need help for mythic+ considering the nerfs to AOE cap and the aggravating anti melee affixes.
Some classes need a buff for PVP.
Some classes deserve a nerf in PVP.
and we are getting x% that solve none of the above.
Blizzard, you are wasting your time and as time goes by, you are losing players.
Since Demo is not on the list I take it you’re busy buffing Demonic Core procs and fixing pet control/target swapping.
Buff arms ???
Seriusly ?
in arena they are already Overpowered, and now they got damage buff ??
Meanwhile what Mistweaver / Demonology and other non viable class got ??
Random tuning, based on specialisation played ?
You need to understand that if a class is not played it’s because it’s on terrible situation, not because people don’t like it.
3% ain’t gonna make enhancement’s single target better sadly and other specs will still outperform us in aoe so what’s the point?
No buffs for shadow priest rofl …
Nothing. This is just the monthly “okay shut up” balance patch. They might as well just do nothing at all because none of these specs will feel the difference.
Im excited for this, i dont see everyone just calling it lazy.
They are hotfixes not major fixes or changes to the classes.
Also its just season 1, they are adjusting to see what a comfortable position would be for players and with their gear.
Atleast we are getting a weekly changes to adjust the gameplay instead of them not doing anything to it and working on “other incovenient stuff” like the other expansions.
I like this and it will fit the expansion of where its going
You genuinely don’t see slapping a global 3% and 5% modifier to every single ability on 9 different specs as lazy?
Only 3% damage buff for Arms? That’s not gona change anything!.. disappointing…
“It’s just alpha”
“It’s just beta”
“It’s just season 1-2-3-4”
“My class just sucked through the whole expansion, but i’m sure they will fix it in the next”
I wonder how many times will we have to go through these until some people won’t try to defend it. What we are getting now, should’ve happened during the beginning of beta testing.
It’s needed so i don’t no, Specifically when this is not a major focus of the team as they are working on upcoming content.
They are more than half of the team less than they were at the start of BFA.
DO NOT LET THAT GO INTO PVP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ! PLEASE I BEG YOU !! please ;-; i don’t want die ;-;
just bubble 4head
When will there be changes to Tanks besides Blood DK? VDH is so oppressive right now and kiting in M+ feels like garbage… but ions lucky number seems to be 3 and his favorites seems to be dps.
Arms damage may be good in pvp but for pve they certainly arent the best, their worst than fury rn in pve…
From the bottom of my heart, i really do hope that you are genuinely not serious with a single word of that post.
Because if you are, i would recommend the Snazaroo brand of white face paint for your clown makeup, it’s easy on and off, water based, award winning and also on sale now.