… This isn’t a number issue. Assassination is fundamentally broken.
Demo/Destro changes are absolutely mind blowing
Sun King’s Salvation exists, that’s the hpriest fight, chu talking about, resto druids are good, mistweavers are meh, but they’ve been meh for 7 years.
he has a shatter pepocry
Why would you buff Warriors?! Now 2v2s will be even worse.
Frost DK needed a dmg buff though you guys should revert death strike nerf otherwise the whole class will still be dead.
Meanwhile Mistweaver PvP is dead, gone, buried. As are Holy Priests, for the most part.
Please don’t forget the players who don’t main dps specs! 40% of dungeon roles aren’t dps, we definitely exist!
That Arms buff is just disgusting.
We’ve decided to additionally change:
- Destruction
- All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Destruction
And this is now added to the OP here.
“It’s only beta, why give feedback on what’s bad?”
“WTF why is everything bad, did no-one give any feedback?”
I kid, of course. Beta feedback sadly isn’t listened to nearly enough, and sadly it’s been that way for a while
Very good news!
Buffing classes that are underperforming is better than nerf the ones performing good.
Congratulations for all your work,this expac is a blast so far!
Warriors are reking arena at the moment and you buff them?
Lazy work Blizzard. “Decrease by %, increase by %”
You won’t even notice most of these changes so they’re all pointless.
The PvP community will meme this badboy
(I guess it’s for PvE though)
Although tbf it’s nice to see some of the underperforming specs being buffed rather than loads of nerfs to top performers?
Man they’ve got to be kidding…
Revert Death Strike nerf for Death Knights already!
So they should be. Fury has always been a PvE spec, Arms has always been PvP.
I mean, a 10% buff to all forms of energy regen would probably give a similar DPS increase, but with a significant improvement to playability.
That’s what’s really needed. Even if it’s just to one ability/function, finding out what makes the specs underperform and buffing that, not just a flat damage increase outside of the rare “Just undertuned” specs. But then if they’re just undertuned, why not just plain buff them instead the baby steps like this
Since i cant post a link to show you , you can go check wowprogress and type Koftisdh and see that i am not lying. I am rank1-2 dh in simdps in europe. So i guess , you could say i worked a LOT for this char (+the luck getting phial from vault ). The OTHER thing u can see on the site , is even though i am rank1-2, i am in all dps 2000+ LOL. I know simdps is not the best way to compare classes, BUT STILL its shows that HAVOC DH DOESNT need only 3%. We were the most fun class to play and now , we cant raid, we cant pvp arena, and we cant m+ as havoc and WE HAVE TO PLAY TANK in order to get to group for m+. Already many dh’s are switching to another melees( ww for example) . Bring back the glory of this class, before it gets ruined or its needed only for the -5% debuff like now. PLZ read this and pop more buffs to this class
Thanks god, I was about to try to decide if you guys forgot Destro exists even.