I think they will not do anything. They treat u like holy priesta and mw monk
Holy priests for God sake
I don’t get why they can’t put the tournament on a fixed and isolated server. Job done.
Keep balancing the actual game please. We collectively pay around 15 million euros per month. Yes we very much do deserve constant 24/7 dev engagement. We absolutely are paying for that.
I expected more.
As usual many specs are just ignored, not to mention the convenant issue is ignored as well, like why go anything else then night fea on warlock.
yes, 3% will make warriors viable
Hey there Kaivax! I pretty much never post on the Forums, but as an AVID Retribution player and raider, could we for the love of all that is holy have our holy power generators do more damage overall? i.e Crusader Strike and Blade of Justice… We are doing okay overall if you are looking at Warcraft Logs statistics for mythic Castle Nathria. We are sitting comfortably in the middle of the pack, but please do keep in mind it’s mythic and we do benefit a lot from our Retribution Aura when allies die. So I wanted to note that the statistics are a bit skewed… Also as a side note, we do next to no damage outside of Avenging Wrath anyway, so i feel like it would be fitting to buff, as mentioned Blade of Justice and Crusader Strike. Ontop of that, those are both physical damaging abilites so they won’t benefit from mastery and damage increases as such… I Would REALLY love to hear any amount of feedback on this and how you are looking at Retribution overall and are deciding to not give them the chance to sit in argueably a more reliable and not at all overpowered position.
I haven’t touched warlock since their stupid reworks on all 3 specs in legion that made me end up hate playing the class.
My post is a dig at the inevitable 3% or 5% demo buff that will get updated before the changes go live.
The clown is the person spending most hours of his days on the wow forums speaking about how much of a better person you are
You are also constantly complaining which is the fun part, aslso i have yet to see anything that you’ve said that would be anything benefital to class tweaking.
If you cannot mention 5 things that arent widely mentioned you’re just as much as a joke as you claim anyone else is.
I mean you can’t expect more of a person who’s hidding behind a low level character with invidual stats shown.
Despite how much i would love to get paid to decide which spec should get a 3% or 5% buff because it looks like the easiest job on the planet, i don’t get paid to make balance changes.
There are countless theory crafters for all specs in both pve and pvp who continuously post feedback throughout alphas, betas, patches that forever get completely ignored until blizzard eventually decide, you know what they were right this is lacking, only to then just slap a lazy 3% buff on everything.
Go and buy that white face paint while it’s still on sale.
I can not say what I really want to say because if I saw I would get banned. However I can say, whoever decided on these numbers is/are lazy and ignorant. WTB old engineer leaders not a lawyer. Lawyer should go back to his theoretical work. Numbers are job of engineers.
Blizzard became a lazy and blind company.
Subtlety rogue is now (after the destruction buff update) the only spec in the group of the underperforming specs (following warcraftlogs, mythic Nathria, 95%, all bosses metric) that has not gotten buffed. Usually there aren’t enough sub rogues to complain about this, but someone has to. Because we spent 2 years of BfA being completely untouched and left to rot in the worst state the spec has probably ever been in. And you can imagine a lot of people are fearing for the worst when you’re once again ignoring the spec while everyone else gets a 3-5% buff.
Please consider buffing sub as well, it was good in the beta due to a lot of bugged interactions with SL systems. But since the launch it has gradually been losing ground to all other specs that keeps getting these small buffs. After these buffs, it will probably be close to the absolute bottom.
You have shown that you can balance PVP and PVE separately, don’t let this spec die because its strong in PVP.
I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of why they do flat damage buffs rather than buffing individual abilites.
Blizzard has gone on and on about strenghts and weaknesses for the past… what? 4 years? Specs are intentionally designed to perform badly in certain areas (and good in others).
Like, DH aren’t getting a single target damage buff because they aren’t supposed to be good at it. Their strenght is AoE. Some specs has great single target damage, like Feral, and others have great cleave, like Arms. The problem is that some specs only have strenghts and no weaknessess.
5 % for Destro isnt enought !
When is the aimed shot nerf being reverted in pvp now that people are close to 40khp?
It’s so obvious that the developers who have been running WoW since ~Legion/BfA don’t care about the PvP impact of these PvE changes.
If there isn’t a bunch of counter-measures for these specific changes + other much needed PvP changes to:
- Warriors through Intervene and Ignore Pain nerfs
- RNG one-shots like Divine Toll, Convoke, giving them minor PvP re-designs to make them non-RNG in PvP combat
- Buffs to underperforming specs like DH, UH DK, Feral, Hunter (not just Survival), MW etc
- And more
then this just goes to show that Blizzard truly doesn’t care about PvP and will never do something about it just because it’s the right thing, but only when their hand is forced by massive community outcry.
3%?! Stop mocking us Blizzard
Arms war needed a buff for pve for a long while, 3% ain’t gona change anything, srsly blizzard?
I just want a blizz smurf to up and tell me Prot Warrior is working as intended so I can laugh my cheeks off.
Absolutely agree with this
do something cool with brew