Class Tuning Underway -- 3 February

Why is DH only geting 3%…Their dmg in both pve and pvp is super low and has no burst… Unlike almost every other class who have burst and short cds on their best abilites… And in pvp every ranged cloth class has more defence than Dh who is melee!!!

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It’s not about missing the point or not. It’s about realizing that they are pushing out these flat damage buffs and nothing is changing.

So, ever since class design is a mess.

Expect for a few specs that crap over every other spec in every area of the game.

Their current design philosophy is just not working out at all.


Such a ridiculous line of thought.
Why do mages get to say Frost, Fire and Arcane should all be viable, same with rogues or anyone else?

Arms has been the best PVE spec in a number of raid tiers and thats okay. Its a DPS spec, both DPS specs for warrior are vastly under performing currently, especially on single target fights.

PVP balance should be done separately like the list buff patch when arms got a +% to MS, Slam etc but it was not active in pvp.

Even then though in PVE both specs are very unlikely to see significant improvement with a 3% buff. I’ve seen warriors perform perfectly on encounters, have ilvl higher than the content they’re doing and still get removed from raids because they just can’t do enough damage.


It’s nice buff but it does not solves the problem. In PvE our damage is fine especially in AoE situation but in PvP our defensives are so bad that 3% damage buff will not help at all.

Yes Blade Dance dodge had to go - it was toxic when people missing stuns and important abilities just because DH did normal rotation but the rest of nerfs combined (Blur 15%, Darkness 10% + 1 min CD, Neterwalk +1 min CD and Leech-5% base -15% in meta and no baseline Leech in Meta) just killed any PvP potential.

Given the fact that DH competing for the spot with Arms which in turn gained a bunch of defensives baseline and WW monk who also gained a few and also got 15 sec off incap 30 second now ( while Imprison stayed the same 45 sec) it’s just impossible competiton.

Other classes of the group do the same thing but much better.

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At this point just detete demonology.

Ever since the stupid revamp in Legion this spec has been going downhill.

Admit it you clowns have no idea what it needs. A flat damage buff will never make the spec viable.

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Blizzard you are not amusing. Like all we “PLAYERS” said you before buffing this spec even by %50 dmg will not fix the spec. If you are lacking employees really i m willing to join you and fix the spec for free. I m offering you to i m willing to work for you free for 1 week. I m god darn sure i can fix the broken spec and 2016 talents.

PS: Sin rogues don’t get excited. Nothing will solve even after these.

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Hahaha, that’s so devilish to say :joy:
Anyway! I like what they did with frost mages, first they nerfed them then they buffed them twice as of now. Total of 12%?

Meanwhile Destro Warlocks are Bootoomm list. :< :((

5% is not enough, we need 8-9. Of course we need a different type of tuning, but it’s clearly not happening, so thats why I said 8/9…

I understand there must be a spec that is just better than something else, but when a class as a whole is so under-presented… it means there is a problem with it. I speak about M+. Please don’t talk about raids. Affliction is there, it’s fine, I see no problem with that.
If I am behind top dps (I am speaking about BIS specs) by 1k, that looks really ify. With this buff I may be behind by 800ish,700? Who knows. That’s still… ify.
I want feel like my cleave with havoc can’t compare to anything else, maybe give us some lite version of rolling havoc. This 5% can stay… but destro should excel at cleave, so no more buffing %'s just add some buff while havoc is up pls. It would fix us.

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I tend to dread Paladin on these lists. It’s a case of oh look here is something that wasn’t working, we fixed it and nerfed it.

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Better than nothing I suppose… Wouldn’t mind a more in-depth tuning but I guess that is off the table until 9.1, if even then.

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More 9.3.5

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The m+ meta is extremely imbalanced at the moment. They would have to buff the cleave of all but druids, hunters, monks and mages if they wanted to do something about it.

So a lot of thought went into the changes then… hahah

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Arms buff? Are fooking serious…wtf…
I would love to play in 2s agains something else than arms/healer every single game…its not enough they counter sp as they are…why buff them omfg.

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Super lazy tuning, very disappointing. I play 5 classes and see problems with most of them, but all we get is 2-5% damage increase? What about healing? Tanking? MM too strong, it’s not even fun to play. I do 50% more dps than most people? Oh wait im MM so it’s not impressive. I do that on my fury warrior, I actually feel good.


Think… if you gonna die faster you gonna waste less time xD Profits :slight_smile:

100% this. Im tired of the classcism( if that word excist)


Another % increase to assassination great… How about you fix the actual issues and remove snd, or at least bring back focused attacks and cut to the chase for some synergy with snd. As it was in the past when it worked.


i played holypriest for the last 10 years. i never felt so weakless…

m+ = weak

raid= just take the disciplin priest

arena= do you ever saw a holypriest in arena?

Holypriest = a joke