Classes and Races

What is the argument for what races being able to play what classes? Lore?
In, let’s say skyrim, you can build your char as you want. Yes, orcs doesn’t have natural flair for magic, but there are exceptions, so ofc you can be an orc wizard.

If we don’t like the though of every race to be every class, and look at it lore wise, well then we got some problems imo.

First, demon hunters.
EVERY playable race pre legion should be able to play those imo. Why shouldn’t a dwarf be able to “sacrifice everything”, to be able to defend azeroth from the burning legion?

Second, paladins.
EVERY race that can be both priest and warrior should be able to play as paladin. You can channel the holy light and swing a hammer? Well that’s a paladin. Undead paladin? Sounds wierd right? But then again, how is it much different from an undead playing as a holy priest? The undeads aren’t by default evil, most of them didn’t asked to become one, and still have the same values as when they where “living”.

Last but not least… Monks. Why isn’t every race allowed to play as monks? Don’t even think an argument is required here.

Well, that’s my 2 cents, did I miss something? What do you think about this suggestion? Should every race be able to play any class?


Yeah, some race/class restrictions don’t make sense, especially considering how messed up the lore is but blizzard will always be blizzard


Yes! We are the true heros. Not Arthas, jaina, Anduin, Saurfang, thrall and so on… We are the ones cleaning up their mess and even to this day we do. But in the game we are considered as some random grunts or worst than grunts like a tool or a weapon to be fiddle around.
The least blizz could do is, provide us the ability to play all classes with any race.


In most cases yes. You need the race to have enough followers in the lore to justify giving the class to a given race.

At least for a given aspect of the class, ie shadow priest for undead and Loa believer for zandalari paladins

You have afaik 1 Zandalari warlock in the game but that’s seemingly a bit too low for Blizzard to consider it.

Tauren paladins were explained in the cataclysm book when anduin & other priests taught the taurens about the light. (The shattering I think ?)

That’s imo the basis for how many individuals you need to give a class to a race, ie not that much but enough for it to be culturally relevant.

One renegade warlock in vol’dun won’t affect the zandalari society, but if you had an organisation of warlocks in friendly terms with Talanji then you could’ve gotten a zandalari warlock.

Edit :

That’s a bad example. All DH were trained by illidan itself over seemingly a long time which couldn’t be replicated back in legion.

As for now the burning legion is defeated and they lost their purpose so they don’t need more recruits. And I’m pretty sure it requires the aspirant to absorb a demon soul which shouldn’t be so easy to find now that they can’t instantly respawn in argus


I want to be able to play any class I want on any race I want as well. And you know why, because I want to like my character and have FUN playing it. I don’t want “but that race will grow on you just keep playing it…” situation. I want to like my character from the start, besides stuff that grow on you is usually some sort of infection or infestation.


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“They were taught about the light”, well that’s the thing, then it makes sense they can be paladins. Undeads and trolls clearly know about the light aswell, why can’t they be paladins?

I get your point, but I just can’t see the argument that a undead that learns to channel the light, can’t pick up a hammer, and do paladin stuff?

Like monks, why need a organisation for the race/class. Zandalari wants to be warlocks? Cool, place a regular troll as warlock trainer. You want to be a warlock, you have to learn from those who allready master the arts.

Pretty sure that lore wise all but a selected few undead priests are shadow priests and can’t channel the light. Paladins don’t have a shadow spec which means that they hurt each other while channeling the light (or may even cleanse themselves and die)

If the undeads find a way to channel the light without dying (which is extremely unlikely) then they could become paladins but for now the fact that one exceptional undead can channel the light doesn’t mean that most of them can.

The monks are an organisation tho. They send an embassy to every capital and offered to train the citizens. It’s not just a random monk which came out of reclusion and smh manage to allow all races to learn his art.

The light was accepted by the tauren as being an aspect of the earth mother, which is most likely true. There’s a foundation based on this belief.

Gnomes on the other end should anything but religious and should have most likely never been able to become priests or paladins. Yet they became priests in cata without much lore to back it up (iirc some gnomes were called doc in wrath but that’s about it)

You could then expect gnome paladins as they fit all the requirements (belief in the light, warriors, in touch with existing paladins ect)

On the other end undeads are harder to justify.

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Pretty sure that if Blizzard wanted they would definitely find a twist in the lore that would allow other races to become DH. The problem is that unlike other classes there is quite some visual customization to do and that is why they will never bother unfortunately

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Most trolls aren’t able to directly channel the light, they are not priests but witchdoctors who get their healing and dark powers from the loa. They are only priests in-game because they didn’t want to make a knew class for 1 race so they put it into the best fitting category. Prelates (Zandi paladin) channeled the light through Rezan and only few kept their connection to the light after Rezan died.

Edit: am bad at de spelling

Realistically I think you’re right, there’s not much of a reason why why can’t play any class as any race.

I think there’s an NPC or two out there who was or is a race/class combo unavailable to players?

I remember in BC not being able to roll a Belf Warrior ‘cause they were all fighting in Outland’, allegedly.

But with DHs perhaps not (originally). These days why not though? Tauren DHs would be hilarious/epic - and they already have hooves and horns!


This DH line made me laugh when I played through on my UD DK. Like dude, who you talkin’ to? :joy:

(But to be fair it’s a cool line)

Seeing as how DH origins take place in the past it’s pretty obvious why it’s limited to just elves. Having NE demon hunters is already rare enough.

A Paladin isn’t just some priest who swings a hammer or a warrior who happens to use the light. Not everyone can just become a Paladin.

Lore should matter, they already loosened the reins too much on it imo.


Lore’s all messed up now, so you might as well loosen the last string and let every race be every class. It’s a god damned mess already hahaha. Give me the fabled Tauren rogue. Or a Gnome Paladin. We already have bloody Orc mages.

If Lightforged can be Death Knight then anyone can be anything.

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You know why every race can be DK, right?

You need to die and then be raised, you as a char have no saying in that, no cultural background, no additional requirements whatsoever.

Light, Void or any other major force seemingly cannot prevent this from happening.

Lightforged explode upon death, I think that was his point :smiley:

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:smiley: they actually do not explode though…

Just checked it, and you are right. Could have sworn the original description was that they exploded in a burst of light or something like that.

But agree with first guy, lightforged can be shadow priest, undead can be holy priests. Freakings taurens can be paladins. Gnomes can tank as warriors. Just let all races be all classes allready, if you can explain the ones mentioned above, then you can explain everything.

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WoW isn’t skyrim. Both are completely different universes with different lore/classes/customizations.

Because Illidan had a favoritism for Elves since he invited many of them who showed promise, to seek him out if they wanted vengeance for what happened to them. And Kael’thas also sent some of his followers to train to become demon hunters. Also Illidan only interacted with Elves and Orcs/Draenei. He never interacted with any other race (technically you can say Humans, but Arthas is the sole Human he interacted with).

You could easily make an argument for including Orcs and Draenei demon hunters though. Since out of every single race, they’re the ones that make the most sense. Because some of them were part of Illidan’s forces, as well as the majority of the Orcs/Draenei out of all races would want vengeance on the Burning Legion.

Not every race should be a Paladin, but some races should be like Night elves. Bfa was a huge missed opportunity to introduce Night elf Paladins because we’ve seen them become Paladins in Legion, and the Night Warrior atm is more or less a Paladin too.

But it makes no sense for an Undead/Void elves to be Paladins, since the light physically hurts them. And I don’t think it’d fit Goblins/Worgen and Pandaren. As for Mag’har Orcs I think they’d rather die than become a Paladin (because of the whole being forced to convert to the Light situation on Draenor).

I fully agree here. I can’t think of a reason why Worgen/Goblin and especially Lightforged to not be able to become monks.

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they use the void theyre not controlled by it

why shouldn’t they? the light answers all who call and believe thats the point


and? everyone can be - just because they’re tiny doesn’t mean they cant be tough - if a human or orc can get hit by a dragon and survive so can a gnome it makes no difference

The Skyrim comparison was just an example of another game where there are no restrictions, and how easy it is to get around lore wise.

Good point about DH’s, I see what you mean. Would be cool to see orcs and spacegoats as DH’s, would 100% roll one :smiley:

Paladins are tricky. I just find it weird that so many races can be priests. 2/3 of their specs is focused on holy magic, so the races clearly have knowledge about how to channel the holy light. Ultimately I think my point (revolving paladins) is why not? If taurens can just be taught about the light, why can’t trolls or gnomes?
I would totally agree on you with the void elf/undead thing, if they couldn’t both be holy priests.