Classes are too simple now

Isn’t that quite low for pvp? or it might just be because DH, my mage has 29 buttons i will press almost every single dungeon.
But i guess it is a DH thing cause i have 22 buttons i will use every dungeon as well on DH.

It was just quick count as a response to the whole “4 button” spec thing :sweat_smile: I probably forgot a couple and not counting macros.

You pretty much missed the point of my post completely.

… and then we have me, who played balance druid vanilla/TBC and I have even video showing how my pve rotation was. It was a cast sequence macro, I was geared to haste and majority of fights was about me scrolling my mouse wheel because out of my 4 spells, 2 were not mana/dps effective, so I was there 1 moonfire+as many starfires did fit into my moonfire (depending of gear levels it varied, at end I think it was 5 or 6 ?)

… least modern moonkins have a rotation. I can say they did not on old days.

And then I played Rogue on those days. Rogue on pve… oeh… where do i even begin.

I do not know what people find fun, but for me modern rotations and classes least require some attention, and combing it with more complex boss fights its double the fun.

People are perspective are different. For example I love BfA survival hunter because its rotation at times makes me think I am somehow on steroids and max caffeine.

Playing classic during leveling has been one of the most boring things I’ve ever done because quests go slow, and in dungeons rogues really do not do much different between the 1st and last level. Least on 60 they may maximise dps by staring swing timer and energy ticks, but that’s it.

I would rather read a book than play vanilla moonkin again.

Thats not true! I have a Mage and I press just 1 button (Arcane Missiles).

Yes, I guess that’s why most players can now score 95+ logs, do mythic raiding and achieve gladiator. /s

Isn’t that because Classic launched on Vanilla patch 1.12, where they toned everything down as a precursor to TBC ?

The key problem is rather that currently classes are made in a way that is very hard to fail. In BfA Mistweaver got an option to insta-cast heals. That’s super-OP-ability and takes skill from pro-active healing and turns it into reactive much simpler version. Similarly Thete was commenting on paladins - if you don’t optimize your gameplay you loose much much less performance than before. The game doesn’t allow you to fail and also doesn’t allow you to exceed much as that would also offend others and make warcraftlogs charts source of new drama.

On the other hand raids are made absurdly more and more complex (check Azshara strategy guide) and personal responsibilities become one of key elements of it (what fun is in raiding when one person can constantly wipe you?). Side effect of that is that they have to make multiple difficulty levels of such content. BfA M+ often turns out into a interrupt clown fiesta. People pull a pack and then there must be a convoluted order of interrupts and similar actions vs multiple mobs in the pack or you wipe. Then you get to a boss and it’s some easy content.

WoW can’t balance those aspects. From one side it prevents us from failing yet from the other it constantly ups the complexity/annoyances of some systems and challenges. It’s so mixed up that Benthic gear, a catchup gear is better than mythic raid gear. Then gear 30-40 ilvl lower can also be better than the new gear due to that artificial system complexity.

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Resto druid during vanilla, feral tank in TBC. The only time I tried moonkin was sometime during vanilla at level 49 as a PvP twink, but it was totally different experience than what you described. Although, I do believe you. Resto on 60 was spamming healing touch rank 4, rejuvenation here and there, Innervate on some occasions and combat res when needed. Nothing too much complex.

Tanking in TBC was a little more fun to be honest. WotLK got a bit easier. Then I skipped Cata - WoD (real life kicked in) and came back as druid tank in Legion. I must say, I loved what they did with the raids. But I got bored very fast with dungeons and how easy they were (except Cathedral of eternal night…that was awesome).

That being said…I think you can gather, that I like complexity. I would love if they can add more buttons to push and if they can break the cycle of just pushing the buttons in the order described by someone on some guide on some website. I want the freedom of choosing my own style of play.

I think I’m going to try this next.

Try resto druid in pvp.
I don’t have enough keybinds to fit everything (i am using 24 key-binds across keyboard and mouse). What 2 button spec you are talking about?

I think as long as there are damage meters we cannot really do that. Not in online team-play. There’s always the best rotation and people always expect best of you.

I tried one for ‘luls’ due to forum posts here. Picked my i400 hunter up, lived a week-end in M+ and went to do HC raid top of that and I absolutely love her. But if you go play one - be prepared for community having distorted view of you. Survival hunter is good dps - solid single target and neat AoE (but needs to spec into one or other, or into cleave), but people will panic soon as they see your sword.

I love my survival girl regardless of what people say, and in fact I also had PvP (half melee) survival hunter in vanilla too. She stacked agi, and while mainly ranged, she had build that she actually killed rogues, when they dead-zoned her. So in a way I am re-living my vanilla fantasies trough my survival hunter.

Havoc is not easy. Thats politicaly twisted religion i believ :smiley:
Guy is making the threat about class difficulty, but he plays havoc. No metter what kind of disicussion he wished to bring on the table. The threat is twisted to the havoc vs world event anyway :d.

They oversimplified every single classes and removed class identity AND uniqueness of each class.

I think they understood their mistake, Ion said it. But will they fix it ?

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If everyclass is simple now then come try classic, you use only sinister strike and clear all content.

Glad is now only 2.4k tho. So A LOT more people have their glad mount now than before. F**k blizzard for doing this.

People complain about specs being boring and to easy yet the vast majority of the playerbase cant play for ****. I mean join a lfr and pretty much no one knows what they are doing.

However compared to Legion my spec feels gutted which is boring.

LFR is lets say bit specific content. We are pretty mediacore guild, nothing extra i would say. Majority of us just skipping LFR frequently and completely for years. Many ppl on the same place cannot be counted as mirror of the community itself especialy in LFR.

I thought the argument for the existence of lfr was so the vast majority of the playerbase could “raid”?

Yeah and its also missed the shot :smiley:
You can see the father of LFR on this video.

many people loves the luxury, many other people are running out of it, becouse they want to feel themselves more alive. Both groups keep strugling with cooperation.

Honestly must say I have a hard time understanding you. Are we arguing or agreeing with each other?