Classic anniversery spineshatter horde full pop

trying to join spineshatter server on classic aniversery to play with my friends but it says that the horde population is too high so i cant open a horde character, does it mean i need to wait for pepole to erase their horde characters or wait for another pvp server to open because theres only one.

If i could turn back time i’d roll alliance tbh. Not going to delete a level 60 sadly.

Why would you go Alliance if i may ask?

I’m just tired of the zug.

But in what way? The community, the faction itself or you always played Horde?

Check regularly if it’s possible, I deleted my lvl34 and my ally alts to reroll horde this Sunday, no regrets, the Kalimdor/Barrens atmosphere is so much better than the depressing ally zones.

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3 servers aren’t enough if you ask me, at least 1 more PvP server would be needed, with free transfer from the current one.

Just check often… it changes daily.
All the real PvP gamer went alliance this time because we finally want a challenge in wpvp :grin:

Ive played both factions over the years, usually leaning horde.

Horde is just very offense focused, everything’s about wf and warriors. The dungeon grinds suck coz it feels a lot zergier than it does on alliance.

Alliance is more balanced in a sense, roster wise i mean.

Although warriors are ofc still the best dps, there’s generally a bit more variety on ally than horde.

Plus i’m starting to think horde players have a larger amount of dummies than alliance, it could just be random coincidence but some of the people i’ve ran into… absolute bots.

Edit: tl;dr: horde feels asymmetrical and once the glamour of “coolness” wears off, it’s just straight up worse than alliance.

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I understand what you mean.
I have been looking to the old versions of WoW mainly vanilla, TBC and Wrath, i honestly that they take us to Wrath, it seems such a cool expansion to play even only for the setting where it takes place.

From a lore perspective i think i start to think why people say that lore wise Vanilla and even Wrath are more Alliance focused, maybe even TBC although i think that Burning Crusade can feel more about the Horde in the sense that we go to the Orcs homeland but again the Draenei also came from there, Illidan i remember him from Warcraft 3 as well as Arthas and those two were Alliance if we had to give them a faction.

I want to enjoy the game, do quests, explore as many zones as possible, do dungeons and of course raids because they seem quite epic to experience but i’m also a player that like lore and good stories and I’m not saying that the Horde doesn’t have a good lore, i think they do, the Undead seem very heavy in that aspect but overall if I glance at Vanilla → TBC → and Wrath this content seems to be more Alliance focused or at least the Alliance has a strong presence in the world.
I understand the people that love to play as a mighty and savage Orc, a strong tauren or a freaky yet mysterious Undead but i bet that the Alliance has a lot of cool stuff around it as well.

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