Classic Consequences

Yea this is the issue, they spent their gold on tokens.

white noise

Issue ? If anything the unsubbed players gave their gold to subbed players who intend to stay in BFA, that’s healthier for the economy.

How is it healthier for the economy?
We have a problem that overall the players have too much gold. That’s why a lot of things got more expensive. So how is it healthy when overall the players have even more gold?

im nott coming back for another legion experience

Because the gold in the pockets of active players can end up in gold sinks, unlike those in unsubbed players which will remain an issue for a long time.

If players are starved in gold they won’t buy much more than the bare minimum. Since that old mission gold was an issue to begin with, it’s just better to have gold flowing through the economy one way or another than to have it sitting in a frozen account. It can also help the transmog market and other vanity items.

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Not really, tons of people who play Classic atm are unhappy with BfA and the rest got sucked in by the hype, it’s been impossible to find people for M+ or EP whole day and it’s Tuesday, the day before reset.
They are releasing the version of the game that people have been whining for for years at the time when the player base of retail is already at an all-time low, some real foresight behind that call. A big drought is incoming for all of us who don’t give a damn about Classic.

The only thing that will accomplish is bring them more subs, which is a stupid short term goal.

No one who subs for Classic will play BfA, and people who waited for Classic will switch over, the end result is the same - BfA has even less ppl than now.

The fact that people will come for a new patch means nothing really, as that crowd thends to dissapear after a week or two, leaving the game in a barren state.

Seems like a very logical short-term goal to pursue if you ask me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think that’s a gross generalization. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of players here, if not millions. Saying they all behave the exact same way – as if they were robots – is flat-out wrong.

I beg to differ.
Right around now I’d usually take a long break from WoW. I’ve done so in most previous expansions. But now I just play some Classic WoW instead. So Blizzard keeps me as a subscriber, when previously they would have lost me. That’s ultimately good for them, and I’m happy with Classic WoW, so it’s good for me too.
Retail WoW will revolve more around the patch releases and some of the players will likely be more “cyclical” in their play schedules, as Ion Hazzikostas has previously termed it. And that’s fine too. The criteria for a game to be enjoyable and successful isn’t that everyone plays it 24/7, 365 days a year. Less does it.


Already proven wrong. I’ve made more friends in Classic over the course of 7 hours than I have the past few years on WoW.

What did you prove wrong? People were different, not a game.

I’ve not proved you wrong, the Classic launch has. The social interactions are still present in Classic as they were in Vanilla.

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WTS Enchanting, Leatherworking, LFG, LFM these are social interactions people talk everywhere?

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This sounds like a “you” problem. Your behavior changes because of your mentality, it has nothing to do with the game. You went in classic believing that people make friends and that’s what you’re ACTIVELY doing.

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Not really. I’m currently levelling a new character in retail and absolutely nobody wants to actually talk or become friends. Dungeons may as well be muted.

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In Wow classic chat right now, I see only toxic discussions (besides LFM/LFG/WTS Wand). People in the chat hate the Spaniards, Norwegians, Swedes, Germans, Arabs and others. Sometimes they begin to swear among themselves and call each other freaks (and other bad words that I can’t write here). Apparently they need such social interaction.

It won’t kill anything - I suspect many folk will simply enjoy both

Some will leave BfA because they want to just do Classic - but long term folk will be drawn back - they won’t to live in Eastern Plaguelands and MC forever

Give it a year - folk will be screaming for TBC

BFA is already a failed experiment. Yes! you heard it, right! The game was launched in beta state and because of it the whole expansion as gone for a toss

8.3. will be the final fix for BFA but it won’t bring back the numbers

Classic, will live long because it was made by veterans that had passion on their project unlike now
those numbers and all that the current blizz truly cares about.

My guess is, the next expansion will be the final for retail wow and we might see s new wow on the move with UE4.

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5,6k left baby

cannot kill something that was already dead before it was born

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