As far as I remember first patches required you to enter BGs via portal when your queue was completed. Tarren Mill vs South shore wPvP were there, because AV entrances were nearby in Hillsbrad foothills. Warsong glunch entrances were a bit isolated with Horde one being located in Northern Barrens and Alliance one was in far south-east of Ashenvale much further from Astanaar.
Blizzard should release WSG separate from AV and make it 1 week earlier.
That way ppl won’t be overwhelmet with farming 2 BGs at the same time and it will make outdoors more enjoyable for low lvl players.
Please consider it as an option
They were…
Classic Blizzard reaction, a bunch of illiterate people who after 15 years still can’t see the difference between PvE and PvP start crying when they get dealt what is expected. And suddenly the game becomes catered towards the upset people. It’s not like it ruined the game in the first place doing this
By all means continue this trend, what could go wrong?
Looking forward to doing naxx this summer.
Horde player spotted
Reroll Alliance on some Horde dominated server then lets talk again my friend
Can you please stop rushing all the content? Judging by how much you advance ahead of schedule the whole of classic will be done within a year. I hope you were planning on keeping classic going on longer that that? All this rushing makes me unable to enjoy the content properly before I have to prepare for the next content. I keep having a dooming feeling of this part of the game being over way too fast. And then, since you won’t have time to make anything else, you’ll end up releasing tbc where I have to sell all my epics in exchange for greens.
I’m begging you. Please don’t rush this.
just level up to 60 and wait for tbc/classic+ while leveling/pvping on alt in 39s 49s : ) no need to grind endlessly gear on 60 yet 49 are the same bgs experience
and in TBC you can finally go for season 1 honor gear and own season3 grinders by outplayin them
Yep, enjoy ganking lowbies while it lasts, when BG comes out you’ll actually have to fight people fairly
Why will the WSG Trinkets and the AV Spell Pen ring not be part of AV ?
There is already content from Phase 4 and Phase 5 mixed into the game mainly among the items dropping in molten core…
The spell penetration items arent game breaking either and by Phase 5 they will be utterly useless, this aint no joke either please try and lookup any theorycrafters build, try build one yourself and 10 out of 10 times you will end up taking no spell pen for later content…
What happened is that it died off, from the moment they opened the servers and had them layered, and people still hoping for that #nochanges nonsense are living in a dreamworld.
I like this idea, has it ever been offered?
wait until you are 48 ^^
Why is it that Blizzard is only listening to people who wants to go-go-go. We are a lot of people wanting more space, a greater PvE experience and smaller communities Just because we are not screaming on Discord ect (I presume at least - I’m not there), we’re still here.
In short: A lot of us would like more servers, mainly PvE (and RP - and yes, a French one too). When are they coming?
Thank you BFA guys. If you hadn’t complained on the forum so much, we wouldn’t have gotten this great content so quickly. I rlly need BWL!
Wow European launch February 12, 2005, Wow patch 1.6 (BWL) released July 12, 2005, exactly 5 months later.
That would place Classic phase 3 at January 27, 2020. Early 2020. I see no problem whatsoever, everything acording to the timeline.
And early Battlegrounds may preserve some semblence of Alliance faction on heavily Horde favoured PvP servers. Good decision making Blizz. (y)
Well, bgs are welcome. I just hope they dont stress out the content too fast. Just for the 1% of us that are nolifers.
Won’t solve any problems when servers have a massive population cap and a unbalanced faction ratio!
Glad you moved quick on this Blizz. I will re-subscribe to see how it ‘pans out’. Honestly don’t care what the qq’s have say on this. If they wanted this madness to b prolonged… they r the gankers (two sides to this, i get it). But glad u knew (and quickly) that the game became broke for anyone trying to lvl on PvP servers. Can’t even get into dungeons to escape this crap! Just Kill squads everywhere! Again ty Blizz for the quick response - its appreciated for us late comers to classic that haven’t hit 60 yet. Surely Wpvp is about hitting capital’s/zones with hundreds of each faction? That stand off is epic! I’m sure thats what Blizz wanted to see here. Not this, hardly no big raids just lvl 60 squads ganking anyone that moves on overpopulated servers?
To expand on my last comment, Sorry, crazy pathetic! can even go anywhere without kill squads (of up to say 10-15 lvl 60’s camping FP’s/instances etc. I have spent say 5 hrs to get 2-3 bars (x2) XP, will call anyone out on this coz its nuts! I will wait it out till the BG’s come in. The game really is broken atm for anyone trying to lvl re pvp servers. I wish i had an option to move, i haven’t got said option.
Both Alliance and horde r as bad as either other from my perspective.