It took me 36 minutes to get from the flight master just outside of everlook to a quest giver…in everlook. I can’t play for 5 minutes in the outside world before getting ganked by at least 2 members of the other faction if not 3 with 7 more behind them. I can’t get a ship because it’s full of horde and I can’t do into certain places in Iron Forge because you’ll get ganked their, too.
You’re absolutely wrong. Servers where not this big back in Vanilla and since they are so crowded when honor points went active everyone had to find a place to farm honor and when one place was taken people went to another which led to it taking an hour to get from a FP to a dungeon entrance. Even today I still couldn’t go anywhere without getting ganked at least every 2-3 minutes. This has nothing to do with vanilla and everything to do with Blizzard making a mistake by not creating enough servers in the first place and allowing them to be 2 to 5 times larger than they should have been. You’re an idiot for blaming people for something they could not have anticipated. No one’s complaining about PVP on a PVP server they are complaining Honor farming ruining the game for those who aren’t 60 yet. I can’t image anyone who was 50 when honor went live has made it to 60 yet.
Seems like you are being sarcastic, but isn’t the server you are on a Normal server? So how can you be so snarky when the honor farming doesn’t affect you? You have no idea what it’s like on a PVP server that’s 3 to 5 times larger than it should be.
I hate to sound ungrateful however its not like you had to code additional new content. You are sitting on legacy content, and deciding when to dole it out as it suits you. For any player 40-59, and it seems sever-wide, the game has become a toxic unplayable environment for these levels.
This should have been easy to foresee, as similar things happened in the vanilla release, although…nothing as bad as this. There is an abuse of the system in place with just how, and how frequently, low level “defenseless” players are being repeat farmed, and corpse camped by large swathes of 60s hoping to rack up enough 5 point honor kills to push them over the limit to buy their honor gear at release.
Not only could you have foreseen a poor gaming experience for a large portion of the community, but you say you have been keeping an eye on it, and therefore are aware of the amplified poor gaming experience.
This has resulted in large portions of people trying to make the push to 60 being delayed by a month to also reach 60 to be able to compete in BGs. What do you plan on doing for these players for compensation? Maybe boosted rested XP for 40-59 players?
I have parked my 51 character because its just impossible to play. I know I am not alone in doing so.
… but I don’t see how implementing BGs is going to help any with the general overpopulation. The PvE realms are crammed, and I just can not imagine that everybody’s going to stop levelling and just doing BGs. I know I am not. Am I just a fluke or what?
A lot of people saying they want the 5h AV back. For me, I prefer the 1.12 one for decent length (10-20min) matches. Give Don Julio’s!
Why im not surprised, well you are alliance , that version of Av is pure pve to you and ocasionally 20 ppl kill the 1-2 that tries to protect the horde base. Rush take towers sit there doing nada and proceed to kill the boss. You win 90 % of this version and for all ur matches till exalted you do less pvp thana single warsong gulch battle.
Yes 5 hrs is 2 much but 40 min to an hour of good pvp battle between separate groups split in a way to attack and defend different places within AV and then the final push to the boss are best!
Maybe so, BUT things will get more decent for sure.
Thank you blizzard
I’m okey with bgs coming a bit early and i can also understand why. At the moment world pvp still makes it almost impossible to do anything solo like questing and farming. Especially lvling up in late 50s is a pain and im grateful i was albe to hit 60 in a dungeon while all the 60 gankers are waiting outaide of entrance. However I please beg of you blizzard. Dont rush out phase 3,4,5 and 6 of the game so that the hardcore players have already completed naxx before next summer. Give the try hard casuals some time carth up with each raid phase so that we wont be so many still trying to finish ZG while others have already gotten all gear from naxx.
Great news. Hope Blizzard will consider introducing arena’s in classic too. Even though it formally wouldn’t belong there, it would be awesome
WoW was never intended for players with a life But yea, I agree. Blizzard should accommodate less the over fanatic screamers (the guys running around in full raid gear by now) and keep more casual gamers in mind
Just hurry up and give us server transfers you incompetent baffoon.
Kaivax promised us an exact timestamp for the release in “early December”. We are now a week into December, and 25 hours away from the earliest possible release for Blizzard to stay true to their word. Regardless of when the BG’s are released it’s about time you let us know exactly when it will happen.
Well, you’re right.
I think they won’t post any time bound roadmaps because of no so stable situation with Classic. Imagine if releasing of battlegrounds will not change the WPVP scene? I mean why would they when servers are so overpopulated. They will have to adjust their plans, which is never good. So they rather not tell any details.
Why would they say they will let us know in the first place if that was the case?
Ofcourse they will let us know. Like closing free transfers in 2 days or 1 week to release P2.
What’s the point if you will likely change it later anyways?
People will always want more or whine for something else, some want to have Classic phases rushed, some want it slower.
You can’t make everyone happy, make a plan and stick to the plan, don’t listen to people whining, that is how Vanilla slowly but surely transformed into Retail WoW.
Classic is popular because it is Classic and not Retail WoW.
It would be a HUGE failure to release before honor reset to people investing their time to pvp that week. I am really happy that we will have BGs sooner than planned but please release it on weekly reset.