Classic Content Unlocking in December

Please Fix Feign Death Combat Drop Bug and 2 sec of trap delay after FD before open any BG.
Pet have spell batching + 2 sec of BUG delay also on every command.

I really hope aswell that they fix all the combat related bugs at least, before BGs are released!

Any chance we’ll get either free or paid character transfers from PvP to PvE realms? I don’t think I want to level a new character again.


wasn’t the 1.12 just after the trolls left [Korak the Bloodrager et al], and before it become the “arena style nonsense we have now with reinforcements”

Still has commanders, quests, and summoning though… yay armour scraps.

i can’t even stomach what AV has become in retail now…

it’s a realy weird wording choice “the week of December 10”. It can mean that battlegrounds come out tomorrow but maybe it’s day after - with honor reset. That can even mean they will release on friday for BG weekend or sunday - just cause. Funny how even 1 day before (potential) release we’re not even sure about the exact date.
Also since the elemental invasions will start with the release of BGs but Darkmoon is coming with BWL does that mean the elemental bosses will or won’t yet drop Ace of Elements?

This better make all the tryhard horde go to bgs or a lot of people will quit. >_>

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So we are getting BGs on Tuesday apparently, which means one day of BGs before reset on Wednesday which will mess up honor ranking for that week. Please explain the reasoning for this.

Also no information at all about what the battlegroups will be.

Please communicate, type some words or something. You’re getting paid to do that.


Please don’t release it before honor-reset on wednesday. You guys are effing everyone over with releasing it too early.

I can’t stay up at 4 am and push bg’s as soon as they release, 5 hours before the actual honor reset.

Nah would be great if it came out tonight. The sooner the better

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If they are effing everyone, why does it matter? It only matters if you are aiming for top brackets, in which case you better get used to putting in effort at those times anyway. It’s not like 50% of the players will pull an all nighter for a couple/few thousand ranking points.

thats funny to read XD

It does matter to a lot of the people like me trying to get to the top. I didn’t mean everyone in the literal sense, just like in a broader sense of expression.

Also it doesn’t justify the lack of information regarding the matter.

You won’t reach the top any time soon if you can’t/won’t adjust your schedual for a Tuesday release.



Well, with BG’s you can get about as much as you did from WPVP in just 1 day, so it totally scews the honorbrackets and farming for this week, so negative comments like : “go play BG’s then”, or L2P themed messages are unnecessary.

Also, NA is unaffected by this change as its EU that follows US for these releases.

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Good thing i only farmed 25k this week and can play all day tomorow

So you’re fine with lack of communication and broken release-schedule as long as it benefits you?

Yes ofc, why would i not be?

Yes ofc, why would i not be?

If you fail to see the problem with that I can’t help you.

Now I migth be stupid, but even picking my brain for memories and searching the net for an answer I can find loads of info about where, who and how many. But the WHY eludes me. Could anybody please tell me what is the reason for these elemental invasions?