Classic Era - EU got a Chinese Patch?

Today, while trying to log in to Classic Era to continue my Hardcore Classic Character, i was met with a pop-up & Account Locked message.

It suggests that our Region (EU) has been shut down, as of Jan 23rd.
It also eats 100% memory while Classic Era is running.

Edit: New patch just got pushed to fix this issue - Restart Bnet or Check for Updates


i have the same issue, except i cant log in at all. game freezes at log in screen with 100% of memory usage


same issue here, the latest update broke stuff, Blizz

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Same issue here!

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Same Issue here!

same mate

Critical error, cant even get to the character screen

Same issue here, program immediately uses up all ram and crashes

Same issue :confused:

Same issue for me right now, except this also happened yesterday for five or six login attempts, then Bnet re-updated and reverted to an earlier version. Weird.

same issue here

issue here

always double check that the patch you upload is the correct patch pls

Can confirm this.c :face_with_peeking_eye:

Too bad it was a very very small auto update patch. :person_shrugging:

Wow requiring 51096,39 Gigabit memory seems a bit much but perhaps I’m just too old and can’t keep up with the developement and need to upgrade my gear.

Also idk if this is a problem or a solution tbh when considering that Blizzard have “purged” all my vanilla characters since I didn’t specify I wanted them to stay on their vanilla servers during my wow-break. And now they refuse to give them back to me. I also got a nice warning from them that pushing the subject could be considered as harassment of blizz-employe and that THAT was actionable (unlike giving me back my vanilla-characters that they deleted)… smh… This is such a f-ing joke. Ticket:EU87230551. Sorry for the rant but my patience is long gone.

A few minutes I opened the battlenet app to enter and play WoW for a while, the game was updated, then I entered and… Surprise! your character has been locked. Realms won’t be available after Jan 23, 2023…

Prithee ,I need a solution guys

Same problem on EU realms… whats going on

Push it ! Fix it pls

Same issue for me. The game seems to think we are playing on Chinese servers for some reason.

Same RAM issue.