Classic era feeling entitled and inability to accept any change whats killing classic era

is this bait? literally the reason blizzard released classic

I’m guessing he is refering to Nostalrius.

The confusion comes from the fact that benny likes to use “Vanilla” and “Classic” as if they mean the same, and they don’t.

Nostalrius was a vanilla private server. It started in 2015.
Classic started in 2019.
Nostalrius was NOT classic.


If you want changes, fine, go to the Anniversary servers, or ask for Classic+ all you like, but let us, who are satisfied with Era and like it as it is, keep it!


Parses only matter in progress. There is no progress anymore in this old game.

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Change is already in the form of SoM, SoD, Anniversary and all the subsequent Classic expansions - TBC, Wotlk etc.

Era players want to remain in Vanilla forever. If you want changes, add them to SoD or to Anniversary.

He obviously deflected my previous question by checking my Naxx parses, for which there are a reason for. Obviously he left out the MC-AQ ones in case his argument held zero weight.

He still hasn’t answered the question though. Not surprised.


Nost had way more changes than 2019 classic did, it would be better grouped with what is today called classic than vanilla. The devs even refered to this classic version as vanilla, it’s just probably a worse marketing term for people who were not playing those servers

I don’t think there’s “official” name for vanilla. They got official names for expansions, they got “Classic” brand as an umbrella for Era, Anniversary, SoD, Hardcore, Cataclysm, but I never saw them explicitly naming vanilla in any official way. Of course developers probably use the same language as players do, when talking informally.

Vanilla these days = Classic Era.

Anything else is a spinoff.

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Funny, for me Vanilla is wow 2005-2006. Classic is wow 2019-2021 and Era.
Anything else is Classic Cata, SOD, HC, Anniversary - but not Classic.


I agree with your assessment that season/cata/anniversary are not classics, but classic spinoffs. I must also add that era (and 2019-2021) is the closest thing you get to vanilla. Not saying it’s precise, but on official servers you can’t find anything closer.


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