Classic era feeling entitled and inability to accept any change whats killing classic era

of course people perfer fresh experence over classic era. watch has way to many servers that are completely empty greated horde and alliance problems. thing is think classic era way it is was a mistake. nothing lasts forever specially if offer NOTHING to the player base sense its release

of course players large majority of them move on to greater things cause you @ no changes people dont see that sometimes new stuff needs to be added

let say they made alot of servers on classic era tbc this only a bandaid that will break continue the problem people get bored burned out move on.

if cant understand new things need to be added to keep player base interested want things stay same forever. then yes your servers will die soon only be you about 400 people per server cause been there done that

not mention GDKP is on those servers. no one wants that no one wants a mage buying warrior weapon cause there jealious they got it cheaper the staff they just bought. until they remove GDKP there is no future just nosegia people like fresh lots of reasons can quest with ppl game isnt barren as hell not only person sitting in cap trying do content. you dont have wait 20-30 days until someone buys stuff on ah. far as understand best thing they can do is delete every single classic era server make 1 classic + era that gets updates keeps it classic and one progresses over time resets after wrath of lich king cause cataclasm is terrible ppl have fond memories of that expansion no one wants kung-fu panda version of wow

old boomers need learn change needs to happen it bring progress there is no more retail. this last expansion of wow this trilogy we not getting anything new in new versions of wow so only thing have left is either make world of warcraft 2 watch not gonna happen or do classic +

let me put it like this. clean your desk it collect dust. then fall apart this is no different


Youngsters need to learn Classic is not Classic if you change it. We asked Blizzard for years to get Classic - not a SOD like game with overtuned spells.

That will be our problem. If you don’t like it, find another game - retail looks more like your mindset: fast-paced action with OP spells. Which isn’t wrong - just a completely different game.


Classic is not classic if people have the knowledge we have today, or if they have one or more arms and a few keybinds along with no dial-up internet and 1000ms latency.

Now you are being plain silly. Yes, I do understand we had worse Internet connection back then (around 200ms latency btw) and was new to the game.

But the game itself is still the Classic i want to play. No problem if youngsters want to play Classic+, SOD or Cataclysm - just keep hands off Classic.

And you also know what happens when/if Blizzard launches Classic+? it will be a total failure - they will mess up talents, dungeons, layers, bots … you name it.
I still prefer Classic as it is - with its ups and downs.


Blizzard’s current classic is already filled with changes. Layers as you bring up is one that I know myself and many others who want to see the game be better to be removed.

Blizzard’s unwillingness to remove features is a big reason why there are so many faults with both retail and classic. Most people were very happy to see finally batching removed(Reduced in reality).

The dreaded Dungeon/Raid finder was actually introduced in classic through innkeepers. An identical system to retail’s Dungeon/Raid finder actually exists in classic; Random Battlegrounds. It was not until cataclysm they added an alternative system that requried people to team up (which is in the spirit of classic) for rated battlegrounds, the mistake again was not removing random battlegrounds.

Bots existance have nothing to do with classic+ or retail for that matter, just a consequence of player behaviour.

You must be very cynical towards blizzard if this is your view to potential improvements, but there are alternatives for you which existed before blizzard tried their hands at classic (again).

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I know, and I don’t support those changes.


Ok, but classic was dead until SoD & Hardcore, and it is still kind of a dead game with only 1 active server right now. It’s obvious changes are necessary

Were you even on era back when SoD launched? There were players literally all over! Today there’s still raids, guilds progressing on content and getting WBs isn’t hard at all.

If people don’t want to play on era that’s all good - but I don’t understand why they have to pick on players that actually want to play there. Like, what does the OP get out of making a thread like this one? I’d be curious to know.


I understood very little of what you wrote, but if you think that Era servers are dead, you are deeply wrong. Era servers are pretty much alive and kicking. So the entire premise of your post is flawed and therefore your post should be rewritten to reflect the reality instead of your artificial assumptions.


Please don’t underestimate the apeal of the only non-hamsterwheel version of WoW that Blizzard offers us.

It is in fact, that very characteristic, that makes it different from all other WoW versions.

Its unique to Era. And it’s one of the most important reasons why we, those who play there, play it.

I understand that it’s a negative characteristic for some people, from a certain perspective you may call it “stagnation”. But from our perspective it’s “stability”.

It’s the knowledge that if we achieve building a fully functional character, we can take a break for months or years, and then come back to it and will still be functional, because we’ve been told “there will never be expansion content” in Era, to make our characters obsolete.

This turns Era into an alterholic paradise, because under a constantly evolving game, the more you spread your progress across multiple characters, the slower that progress becomes on each of them, wich then gets made obsolete by the new patch or expansion.

Pretending that whats wrong with Era and drives people away from it, is exactly that wich is atractive about Era and in fact drives me and many others into it, is just delusional.


Blizzard don’t, but Worldbuff meta / GDKP / goldsellers / consumable sellers / Parsing culture, offers the hamsterwheel to the masses

Feel free to leave classic ERA for better version of wow or game. We doing still good. Its your projection and imaginary vision that would never fruit out for us.

Simple as that we play classic ERA because its closest version of wow vanilla we love. We dont play classic era because we want have it 2 weeks long lasting blockbuster. For all that you have fresh, retail, sod and everything else that trying to be mass success.


Well said! I expect Blizzard to keep its promise and keep era as it is :slight_smile:


First of all, this is not true - Still, have you done the necessary racial profiling in this thread to make sure we are worthy to talk to you? I know its something you give importance to.

I could not agree more Jay - Era is a paradise for many of us, and the ONLY such WoW experience there is.

But we can navigate those. We cannot navigate Blizzard’s enforced “new next big thing”.


your gray parses in bis gear say more than enough that you are clueless about this game

That is not the matter at hand, champ. But maybe I did not express myself clearly enough before - After all, English is not my mother tongue.

Are we genetically on par with you to engage in conversation?

No need to get triggered again and deflect with some BS - Aren’t we inferior, after all?


Era is not dead, i am ganking constantly in BRM and having a blast. There is a lot of pugs going on and a lot of guilds raiding all contents.

The majority play era, for the sake of the game not changing. The only thing blizz SHOULD focus at, is making a freshly new era server like every 2 yrs. Then be able to make character transfers to whatever server when they are at same endgame content as the older servers.

Era have been around for 20+ years and have a freat community.


era is dead when compared to classic between 2015-2021 due to stagnation. Change is very much needed

I am curious but what classic did we have in 2015?

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I don’t know where you get your numbers from. Era certainly was quite dead after TBC released and in early wotlk then people came back, and in the last year it’s been more alive than ever. Are you even playing on the era servers, or just making assumptions? You talking about classic in 2015 makes me think it’s the latter…