Classic Era Patch Updates

Greetings everyone,

Last week, we announced several updates to our Classic Era realms. These updates included changes originally developed for Season of Discovery but intentionally brought to Classic Era as well, such as one that specifically addressed a longstanding imbalance in World of Warcraft Classic, by providing Alliance players with the Might of Stormwind buff as a comparable buff to the Horde’s Warchief’s Blessing.

In that time, we have listened to the community response to changes in Classic Era and the concerns about what updates like this could mean for the future. Thank you for your feedback.

Effective immediately, we are reversing the following changes to Classic Era:

  • Alliance players now have access to the Might of Stormwind, to a version of the Warchief’s Blessing world buff effect.
  • Druids can now train and use polearms.
  • The 6-hour wait between applications of Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer and Warchief’s Blessing has been reduced to 1 minute.

For everything it does perfectly, Classic Era is also beloved for its wonderful imperfections. These ‘perfectly imperfect’ elements and balance make up the texture of the overall experience, and we recognize that making changes to these, even with the intent of adding ‘quality of life’ updates – and particularly without discussing them with the community first – was shortsighted. Thank you, again, for your feedback.

Likewise, we want to provide a bit of insight into UI changes in WoW Classic, and specifically the recent Guild UI update in Classic Era. As we have spoken about in the past, one of the challenges the Classic team faces is recreating Classic experiences while running on modern World of Warcraft code. However, the games gain significant benefits from having this be the case – including at the most foundational level of being able to integrate with services in the first place – but it also means that we can share backend code and bring in UI elements as updates from the modern game.

With respect to the Guild UI in Classic Era, although we have received feedback from Guild leaders that the updated UI improves their Guild management, we recognize that allowing in an unexpected change like this in Classic Era is substantively jarring and has an impact on the overall experience. We are committed to doing what is right by our players, and we are discussing additional options for the Guild UI as a team, while continuing to look to the community for feedback.

Just as importantly (if not more so), we recognize that all of these updates to Classic Era came abruptly and without warning. This lapse in communication was not in line with our values, and we need to do better here. As it stands now, the Classic team philosophically has very little desire to bring gameplay-impacting changes to Classic Era. Moving forward, we will endeavor to discuss any potential community-led desire for changes with the community, well in advance of actually implementing any updates.

We have said since the beginning that World of Warcraft Classic has been a journey that has been cowritten by you, the players. Thank you, as always, for your passion, feedback and partnership.


The WoW Classic Team


Horde Crying


Please now also remove the Guild UI, it can’t be that hard to do.


You suck. We loved the buff in game.


What about the logout skips? From the player perspective it looks like you have unintentionally added these changes to era, then pretended that they were deliberate before reversing them (again with zero indication that this was to happen, half of my server wasted time sitting about SW waiting for a buff that didn’t happen)


Now please revert the worst change, give us back the LOGOUT SKIPS, at least for dungeons, so you can reset them properly


Now please revert and give us back Might of Stormwind.


Thank you soooo much! :heart: :heart: :heart:


I’d rather you bring the old guild UI back to retail, and I don’t even play Classic. I legitimately had /guildroster bound to a macro on retail until it quite recently stopped working.

Communities UI is tragic. Unnecessarily huge, duplicates elements (we already have a chatbox…), harder to use, and generally just a giant pile of garbage.

And what element can’t be integrated, exactly? Chat history I guess? Nobody cares.


“but intentionally brought to Classic Era as well” he.he you are not fooling anyone here lol

just restore everything as it was and reverse logout skip and old guild frame


You guys are actually so fricking out of touch with the community, it is mind bogling.

The only decent change I could think of was MoS. Since the day you implemented the chronoboon, Classic Era has become more about raiding and rebuffing. You stopped a ton of grief and frustration by implementing MoS and it’s hard to tell you in detail, as I am 99% sure, no one of you is even playing the game.

What you did with bringing MoS to Classic Era:

  • gave a ton of players the chance, to actually have somewhat of a decent life apart from the minimal dopamine rush of griefing someone with warchiefs blessing
  • gave a ton of players the option, to save time for rebuffing and actually enjoy the game raiding

Give Might of stormwind back! Make good changea and when push it back bad idea.
Or remove chronoboondisplacer aswell.


bring back the buff! i was thinking on unsubbing until the news of the world buff came and i was much more excited to play the game again. now i really will un sub cba with this now… listening tos treamers who made hardcore which is f’in dead… dont even care about chronoboon guild ui and songflower dmt not being dispellable… smh…


This is so fricking BS… Blizz being spineless once again and so out of touch with the community, it is mindblowing

Made an update to help the community, but just because there is a few compains purely from players who dont play Era anymore, or griefers, just to revoke it after its live in game…
Rip, time to find another game


I’m not even gonna bother, they listen more to these forum warriors then to the people that actually play the game. How am I gonna get Warchief’s Blessing as alliance now which is required by every melee class? I have to have two subscriptions now. Enough is enough you screwed us over with this back and forth change.



There was nothing wrong with the buff, most of us loved it.
This was the wrost way to handle it, first you give it without notice and now you take it away without notice.
Just leave the buff in as it was, again most of the alliance LOVED this change.


You could’ve listened to the actual concerns people had instead of this.

People were worried that once you introduced changes (which you already did with Chronoboon, ranking changes etc.) the flood gates will open and you will change much more, as you did with Wrath with balance changes.

Chronoboon was a great change. MoS is a great change. No timer on world buffs is a great change.

It’s the principle that people were scared about. You could’ve proven us wrong by implementing all these objectively good, tasteful changes that no one complained about and not gone off the deep end, the actual issue people had.

EU PVE is/was dying with fewer and fewer Horde raids playing. The MoS change singlehandedly breathed new life into the server and extended it’s lifespan by at least a year, since now Alliance wouldn’t all transfer off when Horde dies. Now that’s all gone.


Worst thing you could do for Era.


It’s so dumb that a vocal minority is able to revert changes like this. Most classic era players raid multiple nights a week on several characters and are hugely benefited from the MoS buff.

I’m more annoyed about how out of touch blizz are showing themselves to be than the actual revert. Like you couldn’t do an ingame or email poll for the era players to get an actual idea of how players are feeling about this?

Anyways, they will look like idiots if they bring the changes back, so now definitely they won’t even though it would be the right decision. So excited to go back to afking in the Barrens 5 times a week on my second account to grab the bugged rend buff with my #nochanges chronoboon <3

Congrats to the horde pvpers, now you can get your fix of quality world pvp by ganking alt tabbed warriors in barrens again!


This is just perfect - thank you! Now just get rid of the Guild UI. It is REALLY bad, visually speaking. it just doesnt suit classic.