Classic era pvp

I still don’t understand the new pvp system and i don’t want to lose a week to test it. My question is if i am for example rank 10 with 50% and i don’t do pvp at all the entire week, will my honor progress decay or will i remain rank 10 with 50% next week without having done pvp the previous week.

you decay to rank 10 0% if u stop playing but not rank 9

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Yea. Just like Hypie said. You don’t loose your Rank, you just loose the, “percentage”, progress on that rank, all the way back to zero. It’s not a biggie tbh.

You know what many solo rankers do? They wait for AV weekend. It’s insane how fast and easy you can get 500k. It’s not even hard getting 500k without a bonus weekend in general, but then you just gotta put in some extra elbow-grease… feel me? Good luck.

No no, wrong. You stay at 50%, no more derank inside the rank. You just can’t progress if you don’t reach the minimum honor for a rank to progress. In example, when you are Rank 13 20%, and you “only” do 410k honor, you will not go to rank 13 60%, you stay at rank 13 20%. You need at least 420k honor to progress in one week.

you will stay 50%

so if i get this right u wont ever get down u can just go up ? :slight_smile:

YES exactly

When is this AV weekend?

If I’m right there will be Arathi Basin this upcoming weekend. Then next weekend will be a free weekend. And then next weekend there again it will be Alterac Valley.

3 more weeks.

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