Classic Fresh buff/debuff limit on druid hots

Hello! I’m thinking about rolling a healer on the new fresh classic server and thinking about druid or priest…I know I know, priests were the go for healer in aoe and st heal as well, but they look a bit boring (mainly in leveling) while druids look much more fun, while they were on the bottom of…everything literally. Do you think, that the status of druids changed with the buff/debuff limit removals? Will they more useable now? Does this change mean that more rejuvs/regrowth etc can be put on players by different druids or will the stronger spell still override and “dispell” the weaker one?

Somehow I doubt that you will be able to put more than 1 hot on a person but I am hoping for it to not be the case.

Also, Druids were not the worst in everything. They are strong Healers, decent Tanks (Far above Paladins), average - below average DPS.

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Yes you cannot have more than one rejuv or regrowth per target, you will need to assign groups for each druid healer to heal in order to avoid dispelling each others hots.

Druid 1 heals, Groups, 1,2,3,4
Druid 2 heals, Groups 5,6,7,8

The only boost to druid healers with the buff cap removal will be you won’t get shouted at by the sweats who are using so many world buffs and consumables they are reaching the buff limit, which honestly would happen alot especially towards the later raids where people are using more buffs.
I myself would macro in cancel aura’s to remove druid and priest hots to protect my wbuffs from being removed.

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