Classic is really deluding many people

That is one of the more sane and reasonable approaches to Classic that I’ve read since the hype, and you give good comparisons. I agree that class development in Retail can use a lot of work and improvement, but I definitely prefer the way classes work in Retail than in Classic, because every tank is viable in Retail, while Warrior is objectively the best tank in Classic, some even consider it the only real tank in Classic. Similarly, every healer is viable is Retail, while Priest is the clear winner in Classic. Both are from theorycrafting perspectives. Moreover, the fact that in Retail several classes have CC, spell interruption, and so on, is definitely a good thing, because it promotes inclusivity, rather than exclusivity, and forcing people to play a specific class and spec because it’s the “best”. You’ll start seeing more of this in Classic as time goes by and theorycrafting knowledge becomes common knowledge by Classic players.

Other than that, I agree with you on almost all you say.

Thank you for sharing.


Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal.

Learn the difference between objective truth and subjective truth, as well as truth and a lie.

Example of a lie: World of Warcraft isn’t a game.
Example of truth: Classic WoW is better than BFA.

I’m glad I could help you understand better. :slightly_smiling_face:

What would you expect if you think your opinions are facts and other people are wrong because their opinions don’t line up with your “facts”? :slight_smile:

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… actually to be honest it seems you aggressive people are same on both camps. Do not try to put yourself above anyone on forums here - you are not. You try to say its ok to be toxic because someone may have been towards you, but i say sinking to anyones lowers levels just makes you spineless sheep.

Someone broke my toy, so i go stomp on someone’s sand castle. Thats you currently in this thread.

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Who said all of my opinions are facts? I surely didn’t.

I said some things are universally true, objective facts. Like “Classic WoW is more of an MMORPG than BFA.”

If you can’t comprehend that simple, objective fact, then that’s not my problem - it’s yours. :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s your opinion. :slight_smile: It’s not fact because you say it is.

Who is being aggressive? who is being toxic? what is your definition of ‘toxic’? It’s such a buzzword, be more original. Debate and difference of opinions is not “toxic.”

Also that is your subjective opinion that I think I’m above anyone, I haven’t once said I am and I do not think I am. :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow he’s still at it :joy:

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That is fact whether you like it or not. A fact is a fact. I understand that you and many other people in society don’t believe that facts exist because you listen to everything that the authoritarian mainstream media say and take it as “facts” when it’s just their one-sided narrative, but believe it or not, actual facts (that you don’t agree with) exist.

One of them being that Classic WoW is MORE of an MMORPG than BFA.

That is fact, plain and simple. :smiley:

You mistook words fact and opinion, I recommend google translate if English is not your native.

Peace on. :slight_smile:

No, Classic does indeed have more RPG elements than BFA currently.
Objectively, that is.
What people feel after that will be something else entirely, though.

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Ah no, it’s cool! thanks for the advice, though.

My opinion is: Classic WoW is better than BFA.
Fact is: Classic WoW is more of an MMORPG than BFA.

Peace. :smiley_cat:

No, cultist, don’t pretend that you’re called that 'cause you prefer a game; you’re called that because you can’t even understand what an objective reason is, and that’s plain as day, and because of the delusional reasons that you like Classic and hate Retail for.

This is irrelevant, my friend. In other words, the source of goodness or evil in people, whether inherited or it’s part of their nature or not, that source is irrelevant to the issue of “Do I want to associate with people that I don’t even know are being friendly because they are friendly or because they’re forced to?”

Well, you need to realize that only good people “enjoy” doing good deeds, or derive enjoyment from it. So it’s not like good people do good because they’re selfish; this is the other way around. I’ve heard this argument before and it’s wrong and misguided, because it’s making something upside-down. People don’t do good because they enjoy it, that would make everything humans do selfish. Good people do good things because they believe in what they do, the good feelings that follow, first of all, only they can feel it, and secondly, just help enforce this behavior and make it long-term, because otherwise they sometimes don’t get any other rewards for them.

On the other hand, evil or bad people don’t even feel good from doing good. This has been documented by measuring chemicals in the body and brain signals in people diagnosed as psychopaths, for example. And there are plenty of undiagnosed psychopaths in the world.

And that’s where you’re misleading yourself. You actually think that mechanics can help someone be better or behave better. And perhaps that’s because you think even doing good is done just for selfish reasons (to feel good). No game version or mechanic can make a person a better person; that person is either a good person who’s making an effort to remain a good person, or they’re selfish pricks that are able to show it often enough, or not, depending on mechanics.

Thanks for dose of lovely, sarcastic sanity. xD

And, oh, look, they have an excuse for being a-holes. As if rude Retail players don’t have their own excuses for being the pricks they are, too.

Yep, he is trolling, after all.

Don’t forget! They’re not just facts; they’re also universal truths, objective truths, and subjective truths. Good luck taking his philosophy class to make sense of it all. xD

Elaborate. In which way is it more of it?

They both are online games where you play together with a lot of other players.

They are both role-playing games where you control a character that grows in power and abilities as they level up and complete quests and stories.

I have no idea why people come to the Classic forums to tell Classic players why they hate Classic - and should you enjoy Classic then you’re ‘deluded’, ‘retarded’ and the ever popular ‘you think you do but you dont’ diatribe.
I havent set foot in the retail general forums since Classic and why would I? I stopped playing retail and I wont be going back - but I didnt think to post a hugely worded essay to insult the people who do enjoy retail.

Retail is for them, Classic is for me and if you dont like how I think then too bad


You know over the years Ive been on a lot of debates what is RPG and if you have 10 people posting you have 15 opinions. Those discussions I steer clear based on experience :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, RPG, and many games today, are impossible to define. There are even games without a genre word for them. Some of the folks here are talking about “more RPG elements.” I think they’re happy that their Warriors have to learn and level up 17 different weapon skills by standing in front of low-level mobs and auto-attacking for hours. Or maybe find a way to tape the controls of their gamepad to keep gaining “skills” while they sleep, like the good ol’ days of Morrowind AFK leveling.

Exactly where did i say something about the normal retail gamer? The one who dont come to the forum making posts about how classic will die because its a hype etc etx…

“The game yoy play will fail and die because you think you like it but its only hype …”
What on EARTH is there to read between the lines on this one?

Yes i belive people like OP is a turd for forcing his own opinions upon people who like classic. He’s not even trying to make a discussion about it.

This is why I’m sitting here genuinely laughing at these clowns. It’s hilarious, yet sad at the same time that they’ve resorted to stooping this low because they’re stubbornly sticking with BFA while others are on Classic actually enjoying themselves after 10+ years of witnessing the downward spiral of WoW.

At this point they’re not even worth responding to because they’re desperate for a ‘punching bag’ to vent and project their envy and bitterness on.

Also, I’m not going to describe what an MMORPG is compared to BFA because if you don’t already know the differences then it’s truly wasted. :rofl:

Here’s one word of advice: Play Classic to at least level 40 and then maybe you’ll see the differences, or you can just stay bitter and stick to your MMO Arcade loot simulator - fine by me!

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