Classic is really deluding many people

What you’re saying sounds fair enough to me. I understand where you’re coming from. However, while I agree with the concept, I disagree that the implementation in vanilla or Classic is at all immersive. Does that make sense?

I agree that the concept of not being very skilled with a weapon when you first pick it up is a decent roleplaying concept. However, I do not agree that after you reach skill level 400 with the one-handed sword, and you pick up a one-handed axe, or even a mace, for the first time, your skill with the axe will be 0 out of 400!

I understand that different weapons have different styles of use in real life, but it actually makes much more immersive sense that when you hit max skill level on the sword, then your skill in axes will also rise significantly, too, and you just have to put a bit of training into axes to fully understand them and use them, too, at max level. Start from zero in axes, though, after 400 at swords? No, that neither makes real-life, not realistic, nor immersive sense to me.

Then, regarding the mining and collecting herbs, it makes sense that you fail at the beginning, yes, but the way it was implemented in vanilla and Classic is just not immersive, due to the graphics engine and budget of the time. If picking herbs involved some sort of mini-game like lockpicking in Fallout 4, only a much faster one, where you have to pull the flower at a certain angle to not break it, and you failed it at the beginning due to lack of experience and started to get better and faster as you farmed, then it would’ve made perfect RPG and immersive sense to me. If mining ores involved a quick first-person-shooting mini-game where you had to hit a specific location with the right power to mine successfully, and you failed at the beginning due to lack of experience, then it would’ve made much more RPG and immersive sense to me.

Seeing a message like “You failed at mining/collecting/fishing the item” just makes no RPG or immersive sense to me, though.

Finally, collecting all the ores in one whack is a minor addition to save players’ time from an innately not-so-fun activity like farming herbs and ores. And it can make RPG and immersive sense if they simply add it to level 300+ miners and herbalists, where the reasoning is that they’ve become so experienced that they can do it in one go.

In short, there are a lot of nice RPG concepts in vanilla/Classic but the implementation really fails in my opinion, so I simply prefer the way they are today in Retail, because it saves my time and doesn’t annoy me with text error messages like “You failed at mining/herbs/life.” :slight_smile:

Nostalgia is done, i’m enjoying the better game, simple as that.

All things must come to an end at some point.

As the great King Menethil said: No king rules forever.

In my heart Menethils stay forever and are immortal! King is dead, long live the king !

My two cents:

The more engaging gameplay of Retail prevents me from typing, as I need my hands on the abilities. And I loathe voice chat with strangers. As a result, I cannot type while doing content, be it solo or group content. As a result, I barely talk at all.

Classic allows for a lot more of that. I can finish a whole sentence while waiting for auto-wand to kill a mob or waiting on mana. That allows me to be more social.

And for me, that’s all there is to it.


The thing is, ppl are less likely to do so when they know they won’t be meeting the same person twice (if not in the same guild) in their game life-time. Why do you think toxicity has become an issue with the raise of MOBAs? Group of unknown ppl who randomly got together to do PvP stuff expecting to collaborate.

In an enclosed community, such as your server for example, you have to uphold a positive reputation if you don’t want to play just solo content and this unconsciously drives ppl to behave better, to hold thier heat a bit more, to let a greedy opportunity go because ninjaing that item would cost you a lot more than doing that in an X-realm raid finder group of ppl you’ll never ever see again.

Like ppl already said, there is no need to be social in retail.

There is LFR/LFG and you dont need to care about who you play with.

Why not just enjoy the games you enjoy. If people feel like Classic is better how does that stop you enjoying BFA? I think Classic is way better but I don’t care to argue with you or convince you, if you say BFA is better or similar then it doesn’t affect my enjoyment at all lol

Blessing of the wild
Priest Buff
Mage buff

and thats just around 15. can add BoK and BoS at least in later stages.

in BfA only priest/mage buff are left, and if im not mistaken, they’ve only come back “recently”. you could have 2 blessings from a pala, but ONLY if they are ret.

but its not even the FACT that there are more blessings (spells) in classic, people are actually DOING it.

honestly, when was the last time you buffed some random person, or they randomly buffed you? and if strangely enough it was recent, when was the time before that?

I play death knight and monk in retail mainly- I would buff you, but… well … But instead i can combat res you with both. One because of class fantasy of resurrecting dead and other as an engineer!

Eh, I wouldn’t mind it. Blizzard stood by their class design from Vanilla to Wotlk pretty much, until they overhauled classes completely in Cataclysm - that’s when the slippery slope got super slippery, and Blizzard started trading RPG elements for convenience.

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I’ve never even seen this ‘magic’ in my 20 levels of playing.

Hogger? Invite everyone nearby or be invited yourself, kill it, loot it, disband.

Deadmines? The same thing except you ask in general. No words exchanged once grouped up.

I’ve had more lively conversations sat ontop of the Mythic+ chest or AFKing in Silvermoon. And that’s just this week.

There is no Classic magic for me, I never played when it was current so I don’t even get the nostalgia and the novelty of the zones has worn off long ago. No wonder people are joining cleave groups to get leveling over and done with, it’s so dull.

As for me, I’m inclined to agree with J. Allen Brack. I thought I’d like Classic, but I didn’t.


Isn’t that why retail exists though? They realised a lot of their community was completely split between the older game and WoW currently. So now you can play both.

Why you people say all the time about resources and mana regen is too high? Have you ever tried to heal a difficult content? How the hell am I supposed to heal a content which is difficult and have lot of mechanics and long time pulls as it is on modern wow with the dumb regen classic has? In classic there are not any challenge at all with pulls and mechanics that not even exist and all these modern wow things! You just need to stay awake from how dull and boring classic is to finish a dung for example in 1-2 hours. I mean really? Why is classic more interesting and more difficult that retail? It is just way SLOWER!!!

Well I finished BFA in few days, what’s there for me to do now?

Just wait people to ding and try all the supposed end game content and then we talk again. No mythic plus no rating arenas no world quests no new content nothing at all. Thats why retail is where it is now cause we all asked for it all these years.

What u mean finished bfa? You have completed all the content that game offers to you at maximum difficulty? Ok so when u ding classic and kill raids ones what are you gonna do then? Asked fro TBC and just an endless loop? And in 15 years from bow you are gonna have bfa again? There are 2 different games! Classic is where wow first started. The retail is the revolution of it! If you dont like it you can play classic and have fun. But I cant accept this difficulty debait that classic has vs retail.

“People are having fun and communicating again”

You kidding?

Classic is full of useless, idiotic fools spamming rubbish in chat that I find totally distracting and annoying. This is not ‘socialising’ it’s damn ‘aggravating’. My ignore list is full less than a week after release.

This! Just yesterday I was on a wc and the leader kicked a dps cause he looted with need button a dagger that the leader wanted. And he was like ( give it to me or I kick)… Wow nice community! After 15 years people is more toxic than back then!

Your a moron, i literally said you can do all the above in classic, however nobody does do them,

Yes classic Mythics require summoning, but then again there also a massive difference between using a heart, flying to a portal, taking a portal, then flying to the location to summon with one other guy, which doesn’t require a warlock and 3 people. so yeah it’s completely different.

Also ninja looting is NOT a thing in current wow duo to personalize and chest based loot system. So no taking a TRUST friend to a dungeon is not the same as taking a randomer cross realm russian.