Classic is unplayable

Yeah it sucks, but what can you do?
Just hope I can get in during the weekend.

Oh look. Another muppet that just posts white knighting nonsense without having any idea of the situation.

I’ve played WoW since its release, if you think this is bad you have no idea :wink:

Considering the community hasn’t settled yet because some people are still stubborn sitting on 20k+ queue realms rather than 1000k queue realms we can’t really be sure yet.

You’ve been on only higher pop realms in that case!

One would have wished they’d have learned 15 years later though

Its were my 20 odd friends are pushing level 30 now so ye

Why do you think they’ve put in stress tests galore, along with pre-made characters and layers? I fully appreciate that it’s annoying with queues, but at least you’re in line to play the game. Not like before when the server crashed completely, so you had to wait for that to come back up, only to crash again.

Yeah, they have learned a whole heap, but some things you just can’t avoid.

Well, guess you gotta deal with the same queues they’re dealing with in that case for now unless they move/transfer their characters when that service arrives :slight_smile:

Anyone no-lifing it should keep normal sleep hours. Woke up at 07:30 two days in a row to no queue. I fear next week when i work, i wont be able to log in before it’s bedtime


Pretty much the deal for alot of us right now, for some it had matched their work schedule or they study, or still on vacation, but if like me you get home between 4-6 in the afternoon goodluck playing

I mean level 30 something still isn’t too much time and can still move.
But the biggest problem is that a lot of people who are less level and not in a bigger community still stay on these highest pop realms instead of just either waiting it out or playing on a lower pop.

Its alot of time invested for some that get tighter schedules upfront, alot will end up with maybe 3-4 hours gameplay a day down the road except weekends so no, starting over for them is much

Tomorrow is Friday the ques are going to get a lot worse FACT! Im seriously considering just patching classic all together till they get this all sorted out as I’m not wasting my days off in 8hr+ ques so all these freaking afkers in game screw people over.

Took a week off from work, played in 3 days 12 houers classic thanks to long queues and disconnects!

It has become a game of chicken now, has it? Everyone on the highly populated realm is hoping for others on those realms to move to lower populated realms, so they can continue playing there but with a reduced queue.
In my opinion the people that chicken out of that game win the game. :wink:

Well still it was public knowledge that realm queues like these were a possibility at launch so maybe better to not put too much effort if too afraid to lose time :slight_smile:

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Queues for 1 hour or 10, quite a differens aint it?

Certainly :smile:

logged in 1 hour ago, keep in mind i switched servers when blizzard told me to, 13k ppl in queue.

Of course when they asked people to move it was also fairly obvious that there may be the need to do so again.