All I see is “I just wish Classic was retail”.
So go to retail? It’s the same sub anyway.
And you really trust 2020 Blizzard to make new content right? After WoD and BFA? Hell, they couldn’t even do a good job on a remake for their last release.
No I don’t, as I have said before in similar posts.
However my point still stands, Classic should have ideally been a remake instead of a 1:1 copy with fresh content that still conforms to the “Vanilla experience” instead of tired old content that everyone knows inside and out and will mindlessly grind through over and over.
All just wishful thinking really, what Classic could have been in an ideal world instead of a 1:1 copy of Vanilla that hasn’t been adapted to a completely new playerbase that it just wasn’t designed for.
I used to love WSG as was the most fun and challenging bg. But I agree now, unless you want to be in a premade, is not possible to do anything in there. You should queue 10 times to get 1 normal match, the remaining 9 would mean beeing chain killed by a premade.
Blizzard had always problem at balancing things. It would be so fair and so easy to match premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs…
You want end game content? Come to retail, we give you 2000 gold for doing 4 quests in a specific area! Bot mafias don’t have to prevent you from getting what you truly want, which is gold & glory
You know, alliance figured out a way to create a community with this cross realm joke, and blizz nerfed it. If they actually set up battlegroups, alot of problems could have been skipped.
Properly preparing for BWL and MC (all pots+wbuffs) - Leveling Alts to 35 to print money with tailoring and alchemy - Leveling an alt to 60 for fun. These are things I am doing outside of ranking for fun. Find things to do, this isn’t retail where blizzard put content on a platter for everyone to cycle through like mindless zombies, enjoy the game
Fixed it for you.
Its not the game itself but rather the playerbase knowing each and every stone of the game and trying to min/max it to their own advantage.
Lol what? - That isn’t class balance, that’s class design.
The PvP in classic is very unbalanced XD.
This is a con and a pro tbh, it’s good if you can get the people.
It’s a con… when you can’t get the people(As you can’t raid otherwise)
It’s basically what kills a lot of guilds off, just the shear amount of raiders that you’re needing.
Dunno about you, but the sense of a community doesn’t really exist.
Especially since the populations are that large, you don’t have to care about ninja looting reputation.
No, no, no…The game hasn’t changed (so much), you have! There are so many things to do in the game that I always feel a constant burn to do this, then do that or no, better get something else done. If you don’t have a job, get one, you will start appreciating your time in Classic afterwards (which will be limited).
TLDR: I think I did, but I didn’t
I love the people that make these posts then you go check their accounts and they are all wrath babies.
If you have any desire to do AQ / Naxx, farm consumes for those. Fish enough Winter Squid to last you through summer if you use those, farm Elemental Earth (can be done with a 40s char) and herbs, get mats you’ll need for future items, get exalted AD if you haven’t already.
Well, the thing is… nowadays if I want to just hang out with people I have Discord. If I log in it’s to play the game, and the game admittedly doesn’t offer as much content as later expansions. PvE-wise, at least.
Agreed with PvP. In vanilla you could enjoy nice pug pvp just for the sake of pvp, but in classic the playerbase cant relax even for a second. People seem to have forgotten that games are meant to be fun. The only “fun” people seek nowadays is from when they achieve something, like certain gear, but before that the person grinds BGs like a rabid dog without any sense of fun, just work and frustration and when they achieve their goal they most likely have another goal set already and they’ll hate the way there
Agree. Some folks have me puzzled on the need to lie. I sorta get it but then I don’t!
I enjoyed the olds days, and although this isn’t the same I’m still finding it appealing.
The playerbase has changed, but then again so have I.
I totally agree.
Vanilla was a sh*tshow at times, but my own personal experience ( Bowlow Bloodhoof server ) compared to Classic is almost identical.
AV premades, WSG premades, wpvp gankfest and countless of bugs.
You wanted no changes, then you will have no changes TBC soon.
Fun is different for everyone. It’s not set in stone. Your type of fun might not be my type of fun.
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