Classic needs dual spec

So much this. I FC WSG, heal AB, and occasionally wPvP as a deep feral. Optimal? For sure not. Works? For sure does.

Gear carries, skill, consumes, class itself. Spec is minor.

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And that’s what makes Classic so great.

There are thousand of games for everyone. Classic is not for everyone to do everything.


hey OP… go back to retail.


I believe this is why Classic talent tree is the way it is. When I didn’t have money for respecs I’ve made a custom hybrid build viable both for PvP and PvE (but a bit worse than ‘standard’ minmaxed PvE/PvP builds). Good thing your guild leader can’t inspect your talents in Classic.
It’s a clever RPG design that makes sense.


Here is a thing, going into Classic you knew exactly what to expect, I play hybrid myself ( I’m shadow, i’ve alwas been shadow since 2005 ), I also knew what to expect. Nobody is punishing us or annoy us intentionally, this is more or less how the game worked, I would not be against having dual spec, but lack of it doesn’t necessarily bother me either.
I don’t like the fact that my 99 parse can be in a 500-700 dps range ( depending on a boss and many other things ) and a random backpeddling warrior can be afk mid fight and still do 1.2k, that can be a reason to complain aswell, but this is how the game works/worked and again, going into Classic again we all more or less knew what we were getting ourselves into.
If you need gold - i would suggest you to level a mage, that’s the first thing i did after hitting 60 on main

dual spec would help me a ton as a rogue which having to chose between pve content and pvp content

I have one character for raiding and gold farming and another for PvP. Problem solved, next.

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I would kinda love that on my main but it would also be a bit unfair on dedicated PVP players. I’d be decked out in PVE gear AND in PVP spec all week.

Thats a really poor example, ones refusing to learn a skill the other is a fairly simple QoL request.

The awkward thing is that Blizz, obviously, understood it was silly themselves expansions later… but somehow we must uphold the silly version cuz #nochanges.

Classic truly is a paradox of sensibilities.

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Every single request in this forum has been listened and solved:

What even is Quality of Life in the context of game design? Would having “press to Win the Game” button count as QoL? It surely would be convenient.
To me it seems like every attempt at improving QoL (in any video game, not just WoW) removed totally legit gameplay elements that someone randomly didn’t like/considered unnecessary and inconvenient.
In case with retail WoW those mostly were classic RPG and immersive gameplay features. Like ranged weapons having ammo. Or skills being trained by the class trainer. Or having open-ended stat system, instead of linear power progression also spoiled with various types of scaling…
Or playing a character with unique identity, built and specialized in a certain way and not just swap roles on the go. Ideally in a RPG you shouldn’t be able to respec at all, because character building decisions should matter. Paid talent reset is already a convenience just necessary for a MMO.

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#nochange boy, did you like the lotus changes?) Or AB and WSG portals “fix”?

Dual Specc will make the game funnier. Since you can go PVP/PvE specc whenever you need. Its boring to have Gear but you cant use them beside raid, which is nonsense due to Worldbuffs anyways.

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I did l

I did like it a lot, finally mafias are gone for a moment. We are in 2020, stop whinning like a baby, some changes are needed, since WoW raw classic was a non complete game.

Some changes are needed, but I wouldn’t trust a 2 digit IQ person with reasoning like “it’s funnier” to judge which changes are needed.


I solved this problem by having multiple Mages, 1 for farming 1 for boosting, and 1 for raiding. Sometimes i have to change talents but thats rare :wink:

So you rather waste your lifetime, with lvling 10 characters, instead of making the game complete with giving one character maining chance with pvp+farming+PVE. Clever… oh man…


The awkward thing is that Blizz, obviously, understood that lack of LFR was silly themselves expansions later…

Imagine, playing the game is a waste of time… No one is forcing you.

  • You think that dual spec make the game funnier
  • Player X think that LFG/LFR make the game funnier
  • Player Y think that transmog make the game funnier
  • Player Z think that WoW token make the game funnier etc…

Blizzard can’t please everyone and the most fair choice is #NoChange.
No matter how much you critize it, #NoChange create no surprise and no disappointement because you know ahead what you can expect.


Transmog, LFR/LFG is not even close to the Dualspecc. Dualspecc allows you to play the Game for real. Makes you play your Character. While the others are just shortcutting the game. There is no point of playing a game, when you can just jump afk arround beside Raids cuz you cant respecc. Please stopp crying arround with “no chance” while you “Gamer” actually changed. Selfish Toxic community. This game was of with unchanged when palyer were social.

Oh man I see planty people, crying about “dont change, don’t change!”. Please start not changing yourself before asking others to not. Im entering BG’s non buffer class going to click a single button to buff((back in vanilla everyone did), you need help at somthing((not a single dude gonna help)), you ask for portal((they ask for 1g, for a single click, but dont want to pay a rogue for opening boxes, he even has to to more then just 1 click)). Everyone only elitist which wants WORLDBUFF PREBIS , CONSUMABLES(while in classeic noone cared about THAT))
PUT IT IN YOUR HEAD, we have no 2004, we are in 2020. WoW classic was a nin complete game. You cant stay in ICE AGE forever by thinking it was better. NO in classic isnt everthng BETTER, it needs some minor changes, to make to game complete.