Classic Saved Retail WoW

I only play retail and would admit it if they really follow the classic design a little more.

It is just early to say that something is saved by just believing one guy on a stage that didn’t do anything good for the game since, uhm never?

Like, only mages for dungeon runs, and priest healers only?

Thx we prob learned many things, us retail plebs

In what way did it save retail? You guys are saying something without any proved arguments.

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“Classic WoW, saved my life
and if Classic WoW, saved your life
Or got you back with your ex-wife
Sing Classic WoW, Classic WoW
It’s alright. …”

Tee hee!

:sunglasses: :rofl:


I see what you did there, you fun lovin’ criminal :wink:

Now back on topic, surely there’s enough room (and love) for both versions of the game!



Definately! Deffo not a hater of either, both versions are great!

well it did drain this classic fools of their money so we can have even flashier cutscenes of sylvanas as she wrecks even more lore

You got the numbers ? not that i care which version has more players but ppl like you should shut the fck up .


Think about the timeline. Classic release: 27th Aug 2019. To get any idea about how big of a success it actually is, you’ll need a couple of months in. Not even now you can be sure.

How did Classic influence Shadowlands if they didn’t even know Classic was going to be a big success? It’s not like they made up all these changes in the last week(s), after the release of Classic.

The points you have mentioned have been brought up by the community from the early Legion beta down to LK.

Putting it all on Classic is…well…little naive to say the least.


Classic is garbage, keep your sh it to the classic forums. Thanks.


This sounds very much like a troll.

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Ehmmmmm I don’t know what you’ve been seeing, but there are no ‘classic-like changes’. Thankfully.

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Well yes and you know what they say, don’t feed the troll!!!


I’m quite concerned about how far they are willing to go for the whole class identity thing. Why? Because i like to have a distinct spec identity, to have paths i can take regardless if i’m a rogue, DK, mage or whatever. I want to be able to master a way, say assassination rogue, i want to feel like an assassin rogue, master of poisons, or sub - master of stealth/shadow, not some poor jack-of-all-trades, so to speak, with all spells the same, chunked together and all over the place like in classic where specs as such are meaningless and id despise that.
Current retail design is too far yes, but without that spec identity, that feel that you are playing a specific spec as much as a class itself, at least in terms of offensive spells(they can make utility class-wide, sure) otherwise i could not play any class, it’s just bland and boring, with no distinction within the class itself.

If they return to the old design of classic and couple expacks after that, where its basically a mess, all spells mashed together, shared across specs…it would be the end of the road for me, the classes would just bore me to death. But as i said, shared utility is fine, but things like envenom/mutilate for Assasin, Nightblade/Backstab for sub…etc should remain distinct.

I’m gonna have to strongly disagree with you there. From my perspective classic has been the deathblow, or at least a major contributor to the death of many raiding guilds. It feels like more guilds than ever have been struggling with keeping a healthy roster during BFA and when Classic came, losing even a couple players to it proved to be too much for many. BFA was a really bad time for blizzard to start competing with itself.

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BFA is the 2nd worst expansion after Warlords period.

and i still would rather play that than classic. Which shows how little enjoyment i get from the grindfest we call vanilla.

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Many of the classic players in my guild have already returned, due to the painful grind in vanilla, and little to do at max level.

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Im a little concerned too.
And SV hunter is okay.

So yeah, I have a clear preference and I hope BM will not be watered down by shooty shooty crap. :sweat_smile:

Well, i just hope they don’t go as far as classic, all spells mashed together and having no distinction between specs. I mean assassin rogues might as well have been sub or combat rogues, fire mage - arcane and frost…no difference other than 1 spell or 2 at best. Even shadow priests didn’t really feel like…well…’‘shadow’’ priests but rather a combination of all 3 specs, with an exception of shadowform, take it away and it’s just a plain priest.

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