Classic Water "effects"

Perhaps the joke is on me, and everyone else has figured it out, but, I went into Classic really excited to see the ‘old’ look of water.

I vividly remembered it looking so nice, as if the light was shimmering across the surface.
Don´t get me wrong, the updated graphic quality looks great too! Just different. And I was just so fond of the old.

So I was surprised to come by the water, and see it looking exactly like it does in retail.

Until I realized, it´s my Graphics settings, that´s all out of whack. All I had to do was change Liquid Details down to Low.

Just sharing it here, in case someone else totally missed this too :slight_smile:

Changing it down to Low turns this:

into this:

I hope this can be of use to someone :slight_smile:

May your queue tonight be swift! :butterfly:


That water is so ugly. From the right angle you see they are just animated squares stitched together it looks gross.

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Imho it’s an active choice to look at it this way.


Yeah I wondered why it looked so weird but then I put it on low and voila perfect vanilla water :heart_eyes:


If you set it to graphic preset level 3, it’s “classic” mode :smiley:


I find it weird why they named it from Low to Ultra, because to me the Ultra looks a lot worse than the Low one.

IMO: Low should be renamed to “Vanilla” or “Classic”, as “Low” doesn’t do it justice.

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