Classic + - With Runescape voting booths!

Dear Classic Community,

It is time, time to ask blizzard to work on a Classic + with Rune Scape voting booths.

  1. The community decides which content or feature will be aproved for classic + , so for example: If we want dual specc, we can vote for it. And after the voting process , it will be implemented.

Some things we can vote for:

New raid content
In game quality of life features
Class improvement (For those who really need it)
New class quests
New consumables
New Recipes
Vote on current problems within the community to get rid of them

Source RS Voting:,Top%2010%20Skilling%20Suggestions%20poll.

  1. Give classic ERA a new GM Team who are interactive with the community and which bans foul gameplay like bots. Instead of automations.

Classic ERA does not need expansions. We will be eternally lvl 60. And if a raid comes out the items will be a very small upgrade from the previous one.

I hope some day Classic ERA will be improved, but I’m highly addicted on copium perhaps.


there should be no fresh
there should be no classic+


Will be fresh servers.
Will be new SoM.
Are gonna be HC Realms.

Sooner or later will be Classic+.


As long as Era are kept as Era and not “sullied” by this … go ahead and do, Each to his taste.


Thank you.

THE LAST PEOPLE who should make decisions for the game are the current players.

In the last few years, the Classic community of crybullies has completely and utterly murdered the game. And they continue to defile its corpse even now.

A worse take on this forum every single day.

Democracy was never introduced in the whole history of World of Warcraft. We never voted for anything. And if it worked wonders for OSRS, why not for Classic+. I don’t say get rid of ERA(No Changes) I say make a new Classic+. We can transfer freely. I want a Classic WoW that has Dual Specc. Who has ret paladins who don’t hit like a wet noodle. Where shadow priests don’t go oom that fast. I don’t want TBC, WOTLK, Cata or whatever. I want a very very slow gear progession in the core of the game. No crazy changes.

What do you mean by:’ In the last few years, the Classic community of crybullies has completely and utterly murdered the game. And they continue to defile its corpse even now.’

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Osho speaks here in relation too society , media and government. Lets not be that dramatic for a game. Tyrannical decisions by activision ain’t better. The system works if it is transparent to the core.

Ret paladins dont hit like wet noodles. Keep your claws out of my class.

Theyve cried and screamed until Blizzard gave them a Chronoboon. They wanted layers back and got them. They moaned about the PvP system and even that will be turned into a free rank 14 handout next patch.

It’s not ‘your’’ class, you do not own it. We all do. Auto-attacking aint fun. Ret should have a base ret ability. Crusader strike for example.

The chronoboon has come because the player ‘tinyviolin’ placed priests in every major city too dispel world buffs from people. Just get rid of world buffs itself.

Rank 14 is still hard with the changes. Doesn’t have to be: I need to get rid of my personal life too just get rank 14. Be abit rational. It’s a game, not a lifestyle.

Some of these changes were good. For the better. You are condemming people of being crybabies, but you are actually one yourself. Sorry dude.

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Yes it is.

No it shouldnt. When Ret Paladin gets a Strike, the class is utterly overpowered. Will go through battlegrounds oneshotting everything.

tbc prepatch proves it:

You have NO IDEA what you are suggesting.

In another thread you claim you HAVE TO get world buffs. Youre not even living in reality.

Wel maybe not crusader strike. A less imba ability. I was there, this is editited though. I remember it being good. But critting everytime? No.


There should, who are you to talk for most of us, if you want to fall asleep on era, go ahead

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I’ll never understand why people like upright ‘fight’ (as in being a keyboard- warrior on these not so widely- read forums) against classic+, TBC-servers etc. You have ERA, play on it and be happy you got that.

Classic+ can be interesting and has the potential the bring a lot of people in if you look at the success of turtle wow, if blizz do it right (big IF I know).

All these people are doing is project their own opinion and thoughts upon others and think they actually ‘fight’ against something. They are not. Blizz will do whatever they want and if they feel classic+ will bring in more subs they will do it. Same with a TBC realm, which is a more and more requested thing looking at the reddit megathread.

This is exactly what I want. Classic WoW with a passionate development team to work on new ideas to add to the game like they do in OSRS and Poll the ideas out so that people can vote for or against it. Basically take what OSRS have done and implement it into Classic WoW. It wont be for everyone maybe but I’m sure if they did it it would attract ALOT of players. This is what will get me to carry on subbing, otherwise I think I’m done after I’ve fed my nostalgia with WoTLK Classic as Cataclysm Classic/SoM/HC does not appeal to me at all neither does retail anymore (not saying they shouldn’t do these things as well because there is an audience for them obviously). Its got to be worth a shot from blizzard.

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You named spec balance from Wrath, yet do not want to play expansion where paladins range from God tier to solid average in all 3 specs. Classic is Classic because nothing is changed, but as soon as you start changing things that is a remake.

No mate, because the core game ‘Classic’ in itself is good. WOTLK is a total different game in my opinion. It is true that paladins are god tier in WOTLK.

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