Classic World of Boost and Botcraft

The boosting in dungeons are made by Chinese Goldfarmers. I know this because I have been boosted by a Chinese Goldfarmer a lot. I mean, he even wrote in Chinese Ofc I can’t know that boosters are selling gold, well, except I can, becasue I was invited to a Discord where you could buy gold and they advertised how much they had to sell.

Ofc not all boosters are farming gold to sell but the boosting meta severely lowers the gaming experience in Classic.

What makes the boosting so absurd is that it’s 2-3 times faster than doing quests and the booster get 2-3 times as much gold as normal farming… I mean if you have any interest in getting to 60 on an alt it makes no sense what so ever not to get boosted. Instead of meeting new friends in the world, playing some fun world pvp and stuff like that, almost everyone stand afk in dungeons while a lvl 60 mage kill all mobs.

It’s a catch-22. If you don’t want to join boost it’s almost impossible to find anyone to level with and do dungeons. The world is barren because most levelers are getting boosted.

When I am not getting boosted and are doing some quests I only see bots in the wold. They are everywhere. Mostly rogues.

When I am writing this I am looking at 5 mage bots trying to run into maraudon, but they are instance locked. Running back and forth.

It’s absurd how many bots there are.

And the dungeon boosting is ruing the low level content and it could easily be fixed by a minor tweak to XP when a high lvl kills gray mobs.

Is this something Blizzard don’t see or is is that they just don’t care?


Does this mean you have moved from #Nochanges to #Somechanges?

The solution is simple. Ban the bots, ban the gold sellers and most important, ban the gold buyers. Frequently, and for a long durations.


Fixing game-breaking and new exploits have always been acceptable. I’m not talking about a balance change here or making the game more convenient or changing a feature that is being used for what it’s intended for.

removing gnomes will fix classic

change my mind

I am so sick of seeing those little buggers

All these people claiming it’s impossible to find a dungeon group, yet I’ve always found groups and I lvld to 60 three times on a med pop realm.

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This is completely server dependent, so you are tarnishing every server with the same “feedback”.
I’m on my 4th character and never had an issue getting groups when using a combination of Guild, LFG, World Chat, Yell and always see plenty of other people around.

Omg yessss! This! Well said bro.

Says who? If it was not intended to allow high level characters boost low level characters in dungeons the xp penalty would have been significantly bigger. Boosting was a reality in vanilla aswell, and the alternative will in many cases be spellcleave groups where people only allow 3-4 classes to participate. Your “solution” won’t solve anything.

Be a part of the solution, not the problem. DON’T GET BOOSTED!
Where are you questing? Feralas, Hinterlands and Swamp of sorrows? As an alliance player on Earthshaker with alts mid 50s and mid 40s that have mostly been leveled through questing I’m meeting/seeing a lot of other players who are questing. Sure, there are a lot of bots, but there are loads of people questing aswell. Be it in Westfall, Stranglethorn vale, Tanaris, Felwood, Searing Gorge or Burning Steppes.

They won’t be boosting by the time they reach level 60, and will be completely unaffected by your “fix”. Do /who Blackrock depths. That’s where they are going.

Again, the solution is simple. Ban them, ban them all. Both the sellers and the buyers. And no Blizzard, they are not difficult to detect.

Stop being a Straw Man. No one have said that. Also, it’s in comparison with how it would be without dungeon boosts.

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Are you assuming that most of the characters buying boosts would level by normal questing/dungeons if they couldn’t get boosted? I know a lot of people who wouldn’t bother leveling alts at all if they couldn’t get boosted through atleast some of the most painful levels.

Never have a problem with finding group to ANY dungeon. OFC, if u play in the morning or like around midnight, u have decreased possibility to find the most desired roles (tanks and healers), because there is always shortage of these roles. However, if you write to LFG channel “LFG (name of dungeon)” and just passively wait, that’s not very reliable method to find a group. Just whisper to any player around your lvl. That’s active searching and nobody can tell you anything wrong, if you ask them politely, without pressure.

without dungeon boosts there would be either open world AoE grinding or the magecleave groups.

People who have no intrest grouping up with you wont group up with you. as simple as that.

Sure, but I can fight them atleast. There will be activity in the world atleast.

This is not a thread about not finding players for dugeons per se.

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so you’re butthurt that you can’t gank as many lowlvls due to dungeonboosts?

I am butthurt that the (low lvl) world is more or less dead due to dungeon boosting. I am butthurt that it’s 3 times faster to safely stand AFK in a dungeon rather than to play the game. I am butthurt that while leveling the only players (almost) I find around my level in the world are bots.

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Maybe you just picked the wrong server

I’m playing on Earthshaker that have a high horde population and the highest alliance population of all English EU PvP realms…

People who have no desire to level normally probably shouldn’t be forced to group with anyone if they don’t like it, in my opinion, wouldn’t you agree? Those people don’t deserve dealing with pesky foreign gold farmers who run Maraudon boosts all day long in a 16 years old MMO.Just make an option already, sell the instant lvl 60 with pre-BiS gear in the Game Cash Shop.

Cut the middle man Blizzard. /sarcasm

But I have explained that it’s a catch-22, well, to some degree. People are doing boosts, so less people are doing normal runs, so more people are doing boost because less people are doing normal run.

A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations.

Also when it’s literally 3 times faster to stand AFK in a dungeon compared to leveling and you know, playing the game, it just makes it much worse.

Yeah but maybe that high population is not a leveling population. On my realm I still see ppl looking for WC, SFK and SM every day

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