Classic WOTLK Servers

Dotrotton rogue, ill find you and ill smash you up, youll be screaming for your horde mates

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Alpha Males don’t play Rogues.

You will run for your life

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Isn’t that what Rogues usually do when they can’t win? That’s the whole point to play a Rogue, you’re the best class for running away.

Wont be running when im corpse camping you and all your mates

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The only corpses you camp are green geared level 69s. You call yourself an “Alpha Male” and you play a Rogue for the sole purpose of ganking people while they have a disadvantage and running away before they can kill you.

You’re the complete opposite. If you wanted to give yourself a pat on the back for still playing on Gehennas Alliance you should have picked a different class than the carebear safety class.

You sound extremely worried, id go back to my pve server if I was you where youre nice and safe

Why do you play Rogue if you’re not scared of the Horde? I’m not buying it mate, I think what you are is a lowbie ganker, I can probably find you in Hellfire Peninsula or Stranglethorn Vale.

Plenty of other classes I can clump you on if needes

Can’t we just form a good wpvp alliance guild ? Would gladly join it. Doesn’t matter which realm


Only omega clowns play rogues in pvp. You are literally the cowardly amusher archetype. Alphas play plate classes, 95% warriors and occasional ret/protp (rare), no exceptions.

Mains a ret so you must feel terrible right now

Because majority does not care if the server has PvP or PvE label. In order to have the best raiding experience possible, you seek the biggest population of your faction available. Opposite faction has little impact on the decision, even if it’s majority, minority or just about the same as yours faction.
Secondly, most PvP activities are cross-realm so that’s another reason why PvP server label has little meaning. If you want to PvP, BGs and arenas are available for mono-faction servers just like anywhere else. However, the bigger your faction population is, the bigger pool of arena partners to choose from. Unless you care about ganking at meeting stones, PvP server has little meaning.

Simple answer, PvE servers are smaller than mono-faction PvP servers. That’s why.

Ganking is the best part of the game

Not for the majority - migration data proves that.

Such a boring thread.

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Yet you still took time to reply

This is what world PvP is, something I saw earlier today. 3 full SWP geared DPS players flying around HFP ganking level 60s. This is what world PvP always is, you go into a situation where you can’t lose and you “win” a few times to make yourself feel good.

It’s just shallow and a bit pathetic, kinda sad. And you know what? You pretty much never see a Gladiator doing it.


Translateion = My mom wont let me use her credit card to transfer to another server so i am forced to stay here.

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