Classic WOTLK Servers

You’ve described how the game died in retail… and then defending the mechanics that causes that and their implementation in TBCC. There is a broken chain of logic here.

Not sure what you mean. I think you are chasing unicorns here… and why are you on a monofaction PvP realm? :wink:

Because my guild moved here instead of Firemaw to play with a group of RL friends when my old server (skullflame) died.

I also play on Firemaw with my Mage.

And I’m on a PvE realm as minority Horde with population nearly constant… although if friends are playing somewhere then most likely they are on the biggest realm.

As for WPvP I only see it work on a pre-Classic vanilla private server. I never saw it work on retail or Classic.

You can’t blame this situation entirely on the players.

Blizzard should have focused on player population balance instead of opening free transfers with no limits… creating completely one sided servers.

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The players had a reasonable reaction to a situation they didn’t understand.

The reality is that servers need to go extinct and we accept that it’s an era we can no longer go back to. One huge mega-server where players are dispersed evenly based on zone is probably the closest we’ll get to the old “World” feeling.

What? You’re advocating for everyone to play on a Firemaw like server? Overrun by gdkp runs, bots, gold sellers, people with huge egos and a toxic community?

No thank you.

Blizzard has a lot to fix before such a server would be welcome by me and others of our community.

Some of us are having a lot of fun without being on a massive server. Blizzard needs to work on their transferring philosophy and focus more on balance rather than opening free transfers from a server.

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You cant argue with that guy trust me its not worth the effort

In my opinion, the fresh servers will probably fail / not be what most people expect. World PvP is dead anyway since flying is in the game. People enjoy being in the major faction and the servers will probably end up one-sided in a few months anyway. Furthermore, all of those people seeking “fresh” only like fresh and will leave after 2-3 months. Then they will wait for fresh again.

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no one wanna do openworld pvp except a few the rest plays on the biggest server

openworld pvp is basically killing attacking players who dont wanna pvp

congrats bro u killed someone who probably doesnt wanna participate in ur fiesta


Why dont you go and play on a pve server then please explain to me what youre doing on a pvp server i literally dont get it?

Sorry, what? Nethergarde Keep IS a PvE server, and my main is on Hydraxian Waterlords even. I have not played on a PvP server since 2006 - where I new to WoW did not know better and rolled on Kor’gall where my son played, made it to leve 16 or thereabout and left in disgust - I rerolled on Darkmoon Faire where my Retail main is still sleeping.

Didnt you know that Nethergarde clearly is a pvp server? source someone claimed you play on a pvp server so it must be true xD


Makes me sick how someone can be such a beta male and like killing boars and dragons rather than other players.

Extra weird

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Its a pve game with added pvp, try to get to max level by never killing a single mob only other players and come back and tell me how it went, I will wait for you forever. There are pure pvp games but wow aint it so dont complain about people who like the base concept of the game. Calling others beta male is such a beta thing to do as well just fyi


You’re wrongly under the assumption that most people join a PvP server because they want to PvP, you’re also wrongly under the assumption that even sided world PvP between players takes place regularly on PvP servers, it doesn’t, when the odds are even there is usually a stalemate, nobody bothers to PvP and ignores other faction.

The kinda PvP that takes place on PvP servers is almost always the players with the advantage (in numbers or otherwise) engage in PvP where they cannot lose, no greater example than phase 2 of original Classic where people just grouped up and ganked players at flight paths, where a solo player literally could not play the game, levelling players were absolutely screwed, not being 60 before phase 2 = RIP.

Then consider people stop playing the game all the time, but no new/returning player wants to join a faction with a number disadvantage because it means every contested zone they will lose, it means you’re regularly fighting against 2v1 or 3v1, it means the raiding population will be weaker than elsewhere. That snowballs into the faction dying because it attracts no new players.


Not me bro, still ganking everyone in gehennas as alliance and its 99.9% horde

Alpha Male

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Anyone who calls himself an Alpha male unironically is really having an existential life crisis. Also, if you attacked me you on Gehennas you would just die, running around vs 99% horde and attacking greenie alts to make yourself feel like an “Alpha male” is really just sad.


Little man chill our, go slay some raptors

Tell me your character name, I’m Quattro on Gehennas Horde, good luck mr “Alpha Male”.