Click Auction button macro


With the new auction house I’ve tried to create a macro for clicking the “create auction” button, but I can’t get it to work.
This is what I’ve tried, using fstack to find the button name.
/click AuctionHouseFrame.CommoditiesSellFrame.PostButton

I had a similar macro before that worked, and saves me a lot of mouse travel :slight_smile:

Anyone have any suggestions?


/run AuctionHouseFrame.CommoditiesSellFrame.PostButton:Click()
which is the same as
/run AuctionHouseFrame.CommoditiesSellFrame:PostItem()


Cheers, worked exactly as I wanted it. thanks once again!

For non-stackable items you need to use this version

/run AuctionHouseFrame.ItemSellFrame.PostButton:Click()

You can also just combine both

/run AuctionHouseFrame.ItemSellFrame.PostButton:Click()
/run AuctionHouseFrame.CommoditiesSellFrame.PostButton:Click()

Edit 2020-11-07 (patch 9.0.1)

Normal items:

/run if not ProxyAHItem then local f = CreateFrame("Button", "ProxyAHItem", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type", "click") f:SetAttribute("clickbutton", AuctionHouseFrame.ItemSellFrame.PostButton) end
/click ProxyAHItem

Commodity items:

/run if not ProxyAHCom then local f = CreateFrame("Button", "ProxyAHCom", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type", "click") f:SetAttribute("clickbutton", AuctionHouseFrame.CommoditiesSellFrame.PostButton) end
/click ProxyAHCom

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