Cliffside Wylderdrake: Black Hair drop is bugged

I’ve posted part of this on WoWhead too, but figured I’d copy it over to here just in case.

I had a different experience with this one, which to me also proves that this Manuscript is bugged. I am one of those people who got this relatively fast, some time ago. I keep track of all Manuscripts in a file, so I crossed it off the list, and moved on. However today, I got a SECOND Manuscript drop of this kind. As far as I know, Manuscripts should never drop again if you’ve learned it. It’s very likely the “already dropped” flag is broken for this one, or tied to a different Manuscript as Péligro speculated.

If the flag for this to drop or not drop off these rares is indeed tied to a different Manuscript, that would explain why some people cannot get this to drop, and why I was able to get multiple of them.

Before anyone asks, I am absolutely 100% positive this was a duplicate. I’ve kept track of all Manuscripts for months now, and got every single one that drops from rares (except the 10.0.5 Shardwing one), so when this dropped it immediately caught my attention. I then doublechecked my collection achievement and the customization platform itself, both of which already showed it as learnt while the 2nd scroll was still in my bag.

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Also got all, i had black hair instant when farmed toy, it’s sure bugged for some people.

Thank you for your feedback. Also please everyone who has read this thread, submit bug report ingame and/or make tickets for this to be fixed as soon as possible. Cheers for your cooperation.

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While u only got 281 tries, i got over 400 tries on dragonbane keep lava swimming toy, that’s also bugged or just extramly low drop, comments from wowhead says it can drop anytime u complete it.

I’m now close to 500 tries. That toy might very well be, if you have an example rare cases like yourself or somewhat a situation of anomaly like it dropping duplicate for some people, feel free to make a thread.

U shoud stop farming it, it’s 100% bugged it’s almost confirmed but this toy is just strange :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ll stop after now on. 500 is enough. I really do need other players to send bug-reports and make tickets though. You know blizzard, they will never care about one person mentioning a bug about one dragon manuscript.

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Maybe it gets fixed next patch, just w8 for it.

While trying to get the dual horn chin for the same drake I had the Black hair drop twice despite me already learning it so I concur that this one is likely bugged. It may drop for some but it shouldn’t be dropping more than once regardless of this. Clearly isn’t functioning correctly and not just a simple case of RNG being unkind. In the same way it will flag someone as having not learnt it even if they have it may be flagging players as having learnt it who have never had it drop.

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Hallo liebes Blizzard Team
Hier mal auf Deutsch, da mein English leider nicht ganz so super toll.
Also ich bin mittlerweile auch schon weit über 250 tries mit allen Rares zusammen. Sobald ich in einem Raid bin mit ca 10-20 Mann dann droppt auf jedenfall das Schwarze Haar 2-4 mal was auch der Droprate laut wowohead entsprechen würde.
Und jetzt wird mal kurz tacheles geredet. Es ist eine unverschämtheit, dass man Leute Stunden, zum Teil sogar Tage lange in Wowzeit farmen lässt und vermutlich für absolut nix. Der Ingamekundensupport ist eine reine Katastrophe. Für was der da ist, weis absolut kein Mensch. Da wird einem absolut nie geholfen. Man kann sich doch die Probleme mal annehmen. Es wird ja wohl nicht so schwer seine irgendwelche Logs oder bekannt Bugs durchzuforsten… Liebes Blizzardteam schafft den Ingamesupport einfach ab.


Thank you for the feedback. Let’s hope Blizzard acknowledges it.

I’m down to 2 customization that I miss and we have a source for, this one, the Black Hair for the Cliffside Wylderdrake and the one that comes from a “30 min rotation” rare but I haven’t killed that one that many times.
Anyways, i ahve been killing the gnoll rares associated with it pretty much since release on multiple characters, and the manuscript hasn’t dropped yet. I have everything else there is, so yeah, feels like something is not right with it. Sent in a bug report.
(To be honest, I wouldn’t even bother with this if there wasn’t a series of achieves tied to it. And of course they had to attach achieves to it. They just can’t resist…)

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Y-y-yeap. Just copy-paste the message I’ve attached on top the topic daily, so Blizzard acknowledges it as soon as possible.

This whole thing is such a mess you have some manuscripts that say maruuk centaur um ok and no one knows 3 months in still where they come from then you have plenty that says they come from quests and no one knows there either, its like they implemented these achievs and then said yea we deal with the rest later on leaving everyone here with wasted time and scratching their heads. i really wanna farm these achievs so this is very unfortunate, Im gonna see if black hair drops from blightpaw now after restart wich by the way is the only time you can kill it before someone bugs the mob out till next restart, cant believe its still bugged after 3 months…

I do understand your frustration however the problem in this topic is far worse than 15 manuscripts still not being ingame despite being on the achievements because everyone is unable to get them. However, Blizzard have managed to code the Black Hair in such a faulty way that it can drop as duplicate for some people who have learned it and will never drop for some people who haven’t even learned it before. This is a very very sad thing for such a big company.

I also have experienced the same issue with it not dropping, but I found something curious. The drake manuscript item is called Black Hair, while the cosmetic you get is called Black Mane. And in the achievement it’s called black mane. I compared it with other cosmetics and all of them have the same name for both.

Definitely, not false about the main-hair confusion. However, that obviously isn’t the reason of it not dropping.

Definitely not all, there’s the tan/gradient horns.

Can you fix your game please ? Thanks.

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LUL, couldn’t agree more. New patch coming next reset, I’d say it won’t be fixed. XD