Chio ! was nice to chating too see how people think about it !
It’s never just you. I think the game is fine btw.
But if people don’t like the game, take a break. I honestly do not understand people playing games they dislike. It’s a hobby, it’s meant to be fun
Exactly this.
@Symy , so you think the RIO is the best happened to the game ?
ANd you think people this days less content than back in 2008?
Literally 99% of comments on the forum are anti-Blizzard and anti-wow
Because people are happy with a state of game
Cause people like all that selling in the trade chat , M+ rating system. And ofc how everything is going just for the money
As soon as I see people mentioning TBC/WOLTK and RIO altogether they lose all credibility to me. I didn’t bother reading further than the first few sentences.
Vanilla/TBC/WOLTK was a walk through the park in term of content compared to what we have today. And that’s not to say that the majority of stuff is still relatively easy for the average player if you put a bit of effort into it.
And yet I still queue up with people that got 1.4-1.5k RIO that end up doing less than 4k overall in a +15 SOA fortified week and interrupt as much as a boomkin during an entire key when they play a class like DK or warrior.
So yes, there’s a reason people go for ridiculously high RIO and meta classes.
Well let me give you an honest response then
I play the game with 3 different classes (only PVE) and I think the game is fine overall (I just hate the covenant switch gating and Torghast).
The content I enjoy the most are dungeons, and I think they’re pretty fun overall, also raid is ok - not fantastic, but not horrible either.
I recognise some issues people have with PVP and world questing system, that should be improved for sure, and I think those complaints are pretty valid.
Other than that, I would say a lot of things people complain about are a product of being fed up with the game, burning out or just not enjoying this current iteration of wow as some of the earlier ones.
And this is fine. I played a lot of video games in my life and I’m not playing them anymore because I stopped enjoying them for one reason or another.
I think some of you should consider moving on instead of lamenting so much on the forums how the game is not according to your liking. If you don’t like the game, just stop playing it, it’s that simple. Nobody should force himself to keep playing something they don’t enjoy just because of sunk cost.
You’re 1 day early!
I guess you are one of the spoiled brats who like to be boosted "P
Back in the day people played Tetris as well. I don’t see the point to compare something that was a long time ago with what we have today.
You make no sense lol.
The only person who obsesses about how much I do or do not spend commenting on the forum is Dae. So is this an alt?
It is funny how people seek to dismiss the opinions of others that they don’t agree with. Sadly that wont work to dismiss mine. I’m sorry. I’m enjoying the game. You can’t stop that. I’m not the only person who enjoys the game. That is not to say that there isn’t room for improvement, there is always room for improvement.
I feel sorry for you being so judgemental of others when you really have no idea.
lol you just prove my point. Thank you
There’s little to no point in arguing about opinions. Arguing can be only about facts, otherwise it’s just agree to disagree.
not saying you re wrong but the tetris community is actually alive and well and is experiencing a resurgence. i absolutely love the classic tetris world championships!
damn i missed it
I have no intention of replying to them again. It’s clear they have nothing constructive to say
They are factually wrong about me playing the game though