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What if they know your secret?

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They know about Rule 4 :scream:


i think it is. plus, before rio we had gearscore, logs, armory, achievements etc. which were way less accurate/more annoying to deal with than rio is.


and you dont? weak sauce

Even Blizzard can see it’s value as they are incorporating something similar into the game.


She has 32000+ achive points she raids and pushes keys and enjoys most aspects of the game clearly you need to find a better insult .

Attack there views not the player else it makes you look rather foolish in my view .


WoW is a great game!

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Have you ever thought about people alt-tabbing, having a second screen? There’s plenty of things people do at the same time as playing the game.

From what I’ve seen: Puny is a very dedicated player, not just the elite crap most people care about
 but collectibles and what not. Hell, I wish I was half as efficient at times.

People can have opinions without having to validate playtime, achievements, content they have passed
 I know I just did try to validate her playing
 but I hope in the future you are a bit more open to differing opinions and don’t need to bring all that extra fluff with it.


Come to Dalaran by the bank for inspection !!!


You’re only serving to make yourself look foolish here.

Quit whilst you can, you’re just digging yourself deeper and deeper, friend.


Maybe they don’t play the game so they don’t know how long it takes to fly through Oribos to the next zone :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:

I’m kidding about the ‘maybe they don’t play’, but that journey is hella long. I can even go make toast and come back and still not reach my destination.

Waiting for M plus groups to fill takes time, so do raids, journey time etc etc. I have two monitors. It’s not hard to glance across and answer something.

And here was me thinking I’ve not really been very active on the forums the last few days.


Given her achievement count and a quick scan of her profile I’m just going to reply with a word not to be confused with bullocks.

I’m sure she’s touched by the concern of a complete stranger on an internet forum

Which was what again?

Technically you can, if the argument is based on opinions with facts to back up the opinion, but Pu8ny’s antagonist just seems to believe Puny doesn’t play, despite the very clear evidence she does in fact play, so it’s not even worth agreeing to disagree with lothamir. he’s just plain wrong and his opinion is ergo invalid.

I don’t know the WoW community has this incredible need to destroy itself every 5 minutes. Its like someone has a gate on top of a cliff and is only letting 6 lemmings through at a time to throw themselves off. They just can’t wait to be the next six lemmings while all the other animals sit around them shaking their heads in disbelief.

They do?

No not that one

Howsabout you inspect this instead? raises middle finger


That I betrayed you in fan fiction?


Sure, what I meant was his opinion that the game is bad, the world is falling, etc.

That too but this one.


I don’t take issue with their opinion that they don’t like the game. They took issue with my enjoyment of WoW and turned it into a bit of a personal attack.

We discuss the ups and downs of WoW on the forums daily. The regulars and the short term visitors. There are things that we’d all like to change.

That doesn’t change that I am still enjoying the game as is Symy. Even though Symy hates gnomes :rofl:

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That won’t be a problem at least until Blizzard implements x-faction mythic+/raids.

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I hadn’t even considered that! Gnomes get enough hate from their own faction. Maybe it will deflect from the Vulperas :smile:

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That’s probably one of their better qualities xD


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