Collective asking for help,from RU server to Blizzard Support

Dear Support!

Before write any questions, first we’ll make small overview of problems on server Rhok-Delar( Рок Делар).
Nowdays playing on server we have couple problems with selling items on auction, gold earning, party finding for leveling, to make some events( not meaning raids) are difficult and etc… due low online of players on server.

This online downtrend started since you let people to transfer on Пламегор server.
We understanding that Пламегор is not a sponge and will overfilled with people.

And now two questions:

  1. Will you help to Rhok-Delar with solving problem with downtrending population of players on server?
    2)Will you make some solutions for servers which are not so populated ? As example to make some integration of low populated servers in one?

Best regards, dying Rhock-Delar.


I mean, since you’re writing to the support team… try the support sections?

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Transferred from that server because of its dying. Blizzard won’t do anything while there are people who pay them money for transfer. Maybe on TBC release they will do something, but not until end of Classic.

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