Collector’s Edition game epic key- exchange US > EU

My sister bought me a collector’s edition of wow in the USA. but I did not know about the regional affiliation of the keys. Now I can’t activate the key because I have an EU account. I would gladly exchange for the EU version. I saw on the forum that Australian players had similar problems - they bought the EU/UK version by mistake.

you area able to make a ticket and they will exchange it for you.

saw a few threads with the same situation on the US forums aswell.

Good afternoon, Vitaly! I’m Game Master Skyissa. I will do my best to help you understand this situation!
If I understand your request correctly, you are experiencing difficulties activating the World of Warcraft Collector’s Edition key. Let’s try to figure it out!
Your key ****** is tied to the American region. You cannot activate game keys or World of Warcraft game time cards on accounts that do not match the region. The Help Desk does not have the ability to transfer keys between regions or replace keys with others. Because you did not purchase the Collector’s Edition from a store, we are unable to provide you with a refund.

Really wish they would go back to selling CE’s at local retailers, would avoid the regional confusions and ridiculous shipping costs.


Try making this thread again in the Customer Support forum, hopefully one of the mods will be able to answer it. if it was bought from the blizz store they 100% are able to swap the key out for you.

otherwise it US bias

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Link the OP any links you can to US confirmation that they will exchange. Will help.


Straight from Orlyia

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support cant help. they just gave me link to another support (@ blizzard gear store)… thats it…

I made a thread for you in the Customer Support forum, hopefully they will provide you with an appropriate link, sometimes the different sections for submitting tickets are confusing, even for me.

just check it out an maybe leave a comment there

Edit: Please refer to the post below.

That is too expensive I am afraid.

Hello all!

Jumping in to confirm that we are now indeed allowed to help in some situations regarding being unable to claim a TWW CE key due to mismatching regions.

Until otherwise stated, if any of you finds themselves in such a situation please open a ticket and our GMs will do their best to check the case against our updated policy on the topic :slight_smile:

Apologies for any confusion, but this change has been implemented only recently :blush:


Just make sure you link Felranys’s response in the ticket or the Game Masters that you will finally speak too within the next week, won’t ignore or say no.

so what i need to do?

I have edited my previous message (as well as my reply to your other post) with a direct link to the ticket form, I’ll leave it here as well:

Follow the instructions there to create the ticket :slight_smile:


I got this answer from GM:

This is GameMaster Thakimris, and I’ll be the one handling your ticket.
I see that you bought the Collector’s Edition in the US region but your account is EU so now you want to change it.
After checking your case, let me inform you that there are certain criteria to be met when this situation happens to get this changed. I am sharing with you and informative article about this matter. This is the information we have for the moment Thanks in advance for your patience about this inconvenience.
I hope I was informative and has brought some clarification about this, if you have further doubts or need help don’t hesitate in contacting us. We are always glad to assist our players as much as we can.

So what i have to do? i dont understand

Another answer:

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Support. Game Master Valalythe here.

I understand that you are facing difficulties trying to claim the WoW Collector’s Edition code in your account. As a player myself, I will do my best to assist you.

After taking a closer look at your request, I can confirm that World of Warcraft codes are locked to a specific region. The region associated with these codes cannot be changed. If you claim one of these codes, the benefits will apply to the region it is for, or show an error that the code is invalid for your region.
We do not alter or swap codes out for another region. If this is a gift code purchased on the Shop, you may request a refund. If the code was purchased from a different retailer, you will need to reach out to that retailer for a potential refund or exchange.

I sincerely hope that the information above has been useful in clarifying your inquiry. If there’s any other question, please let us know.

Kind Regards
Game Master Valalythe

So no more hope for key exchange? (

any advice?

This is Specialist Game Master Relzzuli, here to help! I hope you are having a fine afternoon so far. I understand that you had an issue with claiming the War Within.

Unfortunately that game is not available in your country, so it will not be possible for us to assist with this.

It will not be possible to claim a key for this game on your account.

My account in Russian Federation.
Great job blizzard. You brought politics into the game. Thank you. A 20-year-long story goes away :skull:

Blizzard is required to follow the law, if it says they have to embargo Russia such as not selling any goods like these then they will need to or get fined heavily. This is not a “choice” but a sanction.

According to some old posts I was able to dig through this was actually announced 2 years ago:

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