Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

sounds OK to me, sounds like you will get the currency whilst doing stuff you would be doing anyway

Or we can not do anything and Play something fun . A other idiotic grind to boost mau . And idiotic restruction to level 3 essence . People will jest ignore it

Booooooooooooooooooooo! :-1: :-1: :-1:

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I’ve not complained about anything, and wasn’t too fussed if essences were made BoA to be honest, I would just have to grind them out when progression is over and I have more time for alts. However, considering the system IS coming in, it seems a bit ridiculous to severely advantage people who have multi-role characters as mains as you unlock the off spec essences with almost zero effort to be honest.
It makes no sense to limit it to role-only essences for alts when they take the exact same requirement to unlock regardless of spec.

Now, realistically it doesn’t bother or affect me in the slightest as most tank/healer essences are gained incidentally and/or are shared…like lucid/conflict/crucible etc and nazj/mecha are already covered so…

EDIT: Obviously the “you’ve complained” statement wasn’t directed at me personally, but I do get where you’re coming from, it just seems a little weird :man_shrugging: that’s all.

An excellent change! Almost the exact one I wanted to see implemented to resolve this issue. I’m hoping the devs see the value in these kinds of universal currency systems and offer more comperable alternatives in the future. It would’ve been nice to have this change release with 8.3, however. BfA overall has been a long sequence of systems that disappoint on launch before getting patched up later. I’m hoping that in Shadowlands we see a return to features that are awesome out the gate rather than having to wait several months before they’re fixed.

Had BfA and its major content patches launched with all of these quality of life changes from the start then I think the expansion would have been much better received overall. It pays to take the time to get things right the first time around rather than continuing to paper over the cracks week after week.

Well R3 essence doesn’t move your character out from fire though.

Ripple in Space does :laughing:

I can’t wait for the currency needed to unlock an essence requires 1000 of whatever it is, and you only get 5 per dungeon clear/raid boss kill and 250 in a weekly chest.


Ah! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Oh no! God forbid you put any effort into anything in this game.

deleted post


Truth. Imma come back to this when they reveal the currency cost for the essences. I bet it will be similar to this post lmfao.

Dodging a bullet then. I’ve done +13 without having all my essences at rank 3.

also make it easier to acquire. thanks

upvote !!upvote !!upvote !!upvote !!upvote !!upvote !!upvote !!upvote !! YES !!!

Although, guys, after reading the blue post few times. My English skills fail me, I cannot say I actually understand all business with how my alts unlock some of those things … can there be some very easy ‘rewording’ done ?

My alt needs to do i.e. visions and assaults for currency and then can I buy essence for alt ?

And I dont get the difference with Nazjatar and Mecgagon ones.

Probably brain-lag from all the local news today.

you do regular patch 8.3 things to get the currency instead of spending montrhs farming reputation ect

some people in the us interpreted it like this:
if you have a character that has an essence at rank 3, you can unlock it on all other characters via the vendor. For the mechagon and nazjatar ones you don’t need to have a character with one of those at rank 3 to buy them.

from a tweet i saw on icyveins by ion, what i wrote above seems to be how it will work.

For the currency, seems like almost anything that is current content will give a currency that you’ll then use to buy essences.

As I gather, if you unlocked only Purification Protocol (dps essence) on your pure dps class main you’d still be eligible to buy Nullification thingy (tank essense) on your warrior alt.

Aright, i understand this a bit better. Thank you! I do not mind alts getting resources from playing whatever need to be played. My problem was on rep.grinds. I am ok with resources.

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