Communication, resolution

Mac issues - CRASHING, LAGGING AND STUTTERING AFTER 8.3 48h without news or answer.
TOP prio for your compagnie. Time to assume.

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Typical of a Mac user. Assuming that they are the only ones that matter, and everything else should be dropped until they are satisfied.

If you bother to read the forums, it seems that Blizzard is dealing with a number of issues, as well as yours. So maybe, have a little patience?

Assuming we are the only ones that matter ?
We can’t play dude. You think you are the center of the universe ?
imagine your situation but : You can’t raid, you can’t do dongeon, you can’t do anything where you are not alone.
And blizzard don’t give a F.
You are selfish. We are not. 8 days we are paying, and not the useless virtual gold, we are paying our subs for nothing.


You’re right. I apologize.

The couple of thousand of others who are suffering from instantaneous disconnects, meaning they can’t play either, are irrelevant.

Keep in mind that once the problem is rectified, you can ask for a refund of time for which you were unable to play due to a fault with Blizzard.

Or those who can’t play because they can’t patch the game.

They need to fix you first. I am so selfish.

Oh sorry my bad. That’s right we are a group of trashes.
An entire platform, who can’t play, and blizzard is not doing anything is nothing important.
That’s right ppls who can’t connect during an hour, is the real problem.
Ppl who can’t get their gold from AH is really more important.
We just can’t play, and forcing restarting our computers cause it hard freeze, when an other player use a spell is nothing we are selfish AF.
And we are impatient. What’s 8 days on the new content if you compare it with 1 hours of disconnection !


Not really. You just need to have patience.

I don’t know how Blizzard prioritizes bugs, I don’t work for them. I would however imagine that they prioritize bugs by the number of people it impacts, and how severe the impact is.

Your post rubbed me up the wrong way, because “Time to assume”.

Give them a chance. They are not going to roll their entire dev team and push out a new client patch in just 48 hours even if you WERE their #1 priority.

I’ve been patient 7 days.
We are talking about blizzard. Not a random private server. (where they are 10 times more comprehensive than blizzard here.)
Tonight you are going to test new dongeons, new raid.
We will be stuck here.
They had 1 complete week do manage this. One week of blizzard activision full ressources.
Topics about mac are just insanely big on each forum, US EU.
Excuse me but when you are selling services, when an entire platform YOU OFFER, mac is not working. It’s an absolute priority. Specially when it’s the most mentionned topic.
You don’t see your whole preparation f*cked by mistakes.
You are going to raid tonight.
You absolutly can’t judge us like you are.
You can’t talk about patience.
We are outside patience. We have been patient an ENTIRE week.
Sorry for random english.

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