Community council invites going out

I didn’t apply. I rate my chances on par with yours.


not interested at all. After seeing the mage tower this garbage community council will be filled with elitists

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I’m hoping they are going to choose people across the board, from all aspects of the game, high end and low end.



So happy to hear this. It shows that they’re picking ‘ordinary’ players as well. Obviously not saying you’re ordinary in any sense but Blizzard’s :slight_smile:


“If you’re not very top end, you don’t know what you’re talking about” Sorry, don’t need top end people who tend to be in very bad environments and promoting such things. Though I can say it’s already not looking good at their choice of giving it to people that target harassment and use of slurs at other, with one in this thread.

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I’d report it if I were you

hole thing is rigged they just invite peoples what agrees with them and “hired actors”
and it is not anom it meens wow community will target them who they disagre with it will be toxic as hell …

Wochi was my Guild Leader for three expansions so I am obviously biased but he hasn’t shied away from criticism when it is due.

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A mean were you really that naive ?:slight_smile:

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To the surprise of nobody-at-all, I don’t appear to have been picked. Oh well, carry my torch Kretias, won’t you?


personally i think its so that they can have someone to blame if something isnt well received.

Well the council told us to do it so dont blame us when you dont like it … blame the council. We told you about the council, so dont blame us if the council made this decision. We were dead set against it but the council said it was a good thing so we decided, against our personal beliefs, to go with what the council said to do … dont get blizz wrong, we just followed what the council said and its not our fault you players, all million of you that these 100 ‘completely random’ players picked made a bad decision. Yes its true, the 100 players decided to do this, not us as the programmers … we just did what you told us to do. Blame the players for wow failing, not us.

I hope they don’t pick me. I’ll probably get permabanned as they can’t deal with critism.

Did you apply to be on it?

Nope, of course not

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Then you are pretty safe from being picked :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I dunno. They often do some very weird things.

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in before blizzard just hits a random member generator and never actually picked from the applicants at all

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Great :smiley:
Would’ve expected them to randomly select people though, instead of the try-hards who sign up for this stuff :slight_smile:

most regular players don’t stream or even look at this forum. It’s always the same small sample on here.

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