Community council invites going out

It would be worrying if they only selected players from the forums. So it’s a good job they didn’t do that.

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If you are right then a good thing

No, they sent one out to all the streamers and top players because they know they have tons of followers and the community managers, so that a small percentage of players can get what they want and the rest dine in hell.

Its gonna be awful either way. We cant let nobody be in a council especially not the top players, or streamers, or community leaders out there. They’re a bad influence to the game and players, not in any means fit to be in a leadership position.

Kretias being appointed seems to go against what I wrote, but that’s not an improvement, its the same if not worse. Shrug.


Good thing because that is exactly what we need

It’s not that terrible. They could have picked you lol


You are one (D) individual if you think that’s what we need. The streamers, and communities, are destroying this game. You want to let them have even more direct influence, doubt you’ll make it another expansion if they get to chose what happens.

I don’t have time, nor do I want to be in a council its cringe, and not the right path to take, blizzard makes great content, the players ruin it.

Although, I’d be the best choice just to comment.

Gratz!!! At least it seems they pick some people who knows what’s going on and what needs changing!

Now you make me wanna apply to. Oh well if they listen to you/us we might see some class improvement and definitely less “gotta hold dps for two minutes” bosses.

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Of course you are, they need someone to simp for boosters to keep the wow token sales rolling


That would be true if they wanted angry toddler rants about not being able to complete m+ because you’re incapable of communicating with humans.

They might one day make a special forum for you and a few select forumers to throw your tantrums on though, in fact I think that should be suggested by the council. Ban the toddlers from the main forums and send them their own special playpen section. Kind of like kindergarten forums.


i have zero faith at all that they will listen to any feedback

they only do so after 8 months to a year… when its too late as always

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Go and prove further that you’re not familiar with my post history and only read what you want to read.

However you have already proven more than once that you don’t know what you’re talking about to begin with.


Its a bit creepy but also flattering that you know it’s big. Thank you for the compliment but you really shouldn’t bring up other people’s sizes on a game forum rated 12+


Then you really have no clue about that poster at all so well done assuming.

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I need to withdraw Kretías’ nomination for the Booster Simp 2021 Award?


Do people actually think this is more than a publicity exercise?


Nah. I’m fully expecting this to be case. I haven’t been wrong about blizzard in a long while at this point.

Cant help feeling a lot of people are sitting at the table with their heads jammed into bowls of sour grapes…


Current conditions have made importing fresh ones harder.


If you mean me then you are wrong, this was something I was never interested in.

what a joka

why you talking down to your own kind?