Community Discord - All welcome!


Are you HYPED to join the Zandalar Tribe RP-PVP Classic Server?!
I know I am.

This is the classic RP-PVP community discord, any other discord you see advertised is either an RMT discord or the Argent Dawn community discord for AD people rolling here, we have been around for a while as the RP-PVP discord for classic and ofc we are now the ZT discord and have been since ZT was announced.
All players are welcome!


Combine the link to join!

Come here and share an ale in preperation for classic launch.

Type !horde or !alliance to join a faction and unlock faction specific content.

Look for or advertise your guild.

We look forward to meeting you all soon on discord and in game. :smile:


Meaning no disrepect, but there are actually 3 discords for ZT handled by a pretty competent team, with more people and definitely no RMT.
They even made a website for the community!


You can find the three discords at the bottom. See you there!


“This is the classic RP-PVP community discord, any other discord you see advertised is either an RMT discord or the Argent Dawn community discord for AD people rolling here”

Meaning no disrespect, but I thought RPers had good reading comprehension skills.

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And thus the great Discord war had begun.
For who controls the channels, controls the server.


It has been going on for weeks now. I don’t really care, though I find it pathetic when some AD fugitives start making stream Podcasts claiming to represent the community, without inviting anyone from the old RP-PvP crowd and even try to establish rules about how others should play on the server.


As if no one else exists.

It’s just been disrespect after disrespect.

If any Horde want to know where they are hit me up.

Epic thread OP but I think is the true + official ZT discord

I think posting " all discords but mine aren’t real noOoO " is a good angle and I hope to adopt it when shilling my ZT community server of choice


I hope you got your name reserved on Hydraxian as well, because AD snowflakes like you won’t stay here for long.

Time to make it easy to join the main discord


Another player from Argent Dawn, what a surprise.

SICK! more discords morw communities why not?!

… Why even add this? I’d be more than willing to join but doing the “yeah we did it before everyone else because i said so!” act isn’t gonna make everyone turns there heads wanting to join. You’re basically saying you own the ZT discord IP or som ething.


Classic. Salty defias player.


Join what ever discord you want lol.

Why are people lambasting their own one as if they are offended by the thought of another? This discord was here first, if you like your own one because it has people from your retail server good for you ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way, am enjoying meeting new people, hoping to see some more oldies too :wink:

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:eggplant: Drama! I love it :3 :popcorn:


I love the masses of communities for this Realm and look forward to meeting people back in OG Azeroth!

What i DONT look forward for is people making claims about owning the rights to having a ZT discord and saying all others are fake.


That isn’t what lambasting means and also the point of contention is the OP tries to shill their " cozy " (ie really small) discord as the only option and lambasts ( =P ) the other ( more successful ) options as fake

Also to my goblin friend above I think a ratinglet like you can’t make posts like that. I think the average cathedral roleplayer on Argent Dawn has won more PVP battles than you



The proof is in the pudding.

Im sure OP’s discord is cool and cozy and I bet there’s people there that just want to RP and PVP like any other discord!

I just think OP went a bit overboard by berating other discords( made by people as cozy as the OP, im sure) because they(to the OP’s knowledge) apparently didn’t come first?

Just weird. Let people choose what they want without all this pseudo-copyright stuff.


Man did the AD community hurt you in some way or what? You seem a little salty. Or is it the fact that Defias Brotherhood is a dead RP server and loads moved to Argent Dawn? So you got a pretty dead community there?

I hope you got your name reserved on another server too with that mentality of yours. The AD bulls are here to stay…


If you want an RP server, it is not too late yet to move to Hydraxxian Waterlords, where your kind belongs. Please take Nixxiom as well.

Hmm, actually Zandalar Tribe is an RP server (although I guess you’ve constructed some weird reality in your brain where it isn’t?) – so we’re right where we belong actually.

If you dislike RP so much; why did you make your character here ? Seems like it should be you who should move to another server ( don’t worry, blizz opened up five (5) more non-RP servers yesterday)