Community Discord - All welcome!

This is an RP PVP server, lil zoom

If you rolled here you should ideally enjoy aspects of both RP and PVP


It’s not too late to move out of your mum’s house loser, please find a job on the way out


Nice to see all the love and maturity from the AD playerbase.

If you keep your toxicity on this level, accept the fact that Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about RP server rules, you won’t be able to enforce your self-made rules on the whole server and all of your events can and will be ganked, we might end up with an exciting community after all.

Grind your rating a bit before you try ganking the big boys.


You couldn’t gank your way out of a wet paper bag.


Can’t believe RPers have a higher rating than this loser.


Question; do you have any concept of how this statement makes you sound?

Also what are you on about? Far as I can tell you’re just spouting bile without giving any examples of what’s rankled you.


Begins insulting people loads.

Gets called on out it.

“Argh… toxic bullies!”

Are you the first Defias Brotherhood Mayoblaster…?


you’re the one coming in here swinging (and making yourself look like a total bozo)

you couldn’t be more wrong about this one – blizzard does infact enforce the RP server rules – including bans and muting players for RP griefing and forced name changes for names that break the RP server rules.

actually, most people who think it’s really funny / cool to gank RP events (read: 14 year olds) are usually so mentally stunted that even minimally geared RPers usually wipe the floor with them easily


What self made rules are you even talking about? Are you talking about the rules for the discord community to help keep that nice and clean as well a great place to be? Because that aint rules for what happens in the game. Clearly there are rules that applies to the game made by blizzard.
And Blizzard have marked that ZT is a server for people who wants to see the world of pvp and rp in one. But does that mean that we are telling YOU to roleplay with US? actually, no. We are just asking why you picked ZT since it is a RP-PvP server and not a PVP server. Infact why did you pick defias for BfA, thats also a RP-PvP server. Surely that means you would understand this server is for people who wants to do some open world PvP and RP. But i guess not?

Could you stop having illusions and get real? Stop chimping out, you are being a bigger embarrassment than my spelling.

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Sweetie, this is not 2009 anymore.

They’re still enforced, you bozo.


you can try and convince yourself / construct a reality in your brain where it doesn’t happen ; but in reality (where most of us live) blizzard does enforce the rules

i guess you’ll just have to find out =(


I hope you put more effort into your character’s backstory than your insults, because this is just disappointing.

Looks like I’ve been owned, lads.

Took him 8 minutes to type up the response to get there, but at the end of the day, it seems I’ve been completely destroyed…


Hah this is all delicious, why you guys offended???

Anyway im the owner of this discord, all welcome.
Nice drama keep it up!


Its not even a day and the drama is here.

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not roleplaying = bad community.


Easily reports your name for not being RP friendly.


Good luck bro, I’m sure Big Daddy Blizzard will punish me for ruining your immersion.